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  1. #91
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - A warning to others

    Well that lasted a day.
    Quote Originally Posted by Obsidian Ball
    Random thoughts.
    Today at 8:51 AM

    Nah, why run? The Aussie loser wants that.

    Happy birthday to the ball, by the way. I am 37 today. 🎂

    Since he loves my "racist" criticism, I reckon it's only befitting that I keep pissing James Berich off by spewing about Capcom's mishandling of their dumb, Raise Ah Dent Eve Val games!

    Why run? Well you should consider it; You might shed some of the fucking lard you repulsive blob of lard. Breakfast at Greggs isn't going to help things either.
    Give it 10 years it will be you lying there in a cardiac unit with a DNR....

  2. #92
    Peter's Conscience
    Join Date
    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - An accident waiting to happen

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Peter already has high blood pressure, so a full blown cardiac infarction is around the corner specially carrying all that extra fat around the tummy. Looking at some of his videos it looks as though he has had a few mini-strokes as it is. He did state in one it felt as though he had one. Not surprising. And he suffers terribly bad with GERD, which can lead to Barrett's esophagus.
    Yes, and throwing Viagra into that mix is just asking for trouble. It's not even as though a repulsive smell emanating from the flat would alert neighbours to the fuckwit's demise - that's just par for the course with potatohead.

  3. #93
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Time for a holiday

    Quote Originally Posted by takealookpedro View Post
    Certainly is an interesting specimen to watch.
    It seems to be a nominative determinism thing for the name 'Peter': it's been done before (but with more charm and pathos):


  4. #94
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - ignorant and creepy.

    Potatoface getting a bit hot under the collar.
    Despite all the fuckface's declarations of apathy (and retirement) the cuntwart is still being rude to people who give accurate answers, instead of just parroting what the little shit wants to hear.
    Quote Originally Posted by 5wiitp

    I’m having problems with contacting this website’s hosting service

    Basically, this demented moron is creating multiple accounts on this forum for anxiety discussions, called anxietyforum dot net, where he is endlessly posting my real name, my address in the UK, and uploading multiple obscene images in an album you can only see by signing in. That, plus just being an idiot overall.

    No moderator has logged in on there in years. I cannot even see the list of moderators (if any) as it seems the link is corrupted. He has also adopted a user name I go under which is “Thesaunderschild” and has been incredibly persistent with his obsession of me.

    Since late 2021, the same guy has been abusing me on that forum and just the Internet in general from many years beforehand. And I suspect he’s this Australian guy named James, that I knew from gaming forums from way back in 2004. He of course will deny that, and he has been harassing me non stop on many other websites since 2017.

    I have already filled in numerous report forms, and gotten no reply; I therefore want to ask if you can just provide the name of the host of this site, so that I can email them directly myself. So once again, the URL to that site is anxietyforum dot net. I’d appreciate the help here, as this bum is rather ignorant and creepy.

    Thank you.
    Impatient, entitled little shit follows up...
    Quote Originally Posted by 5wiitp
    So where’s my response?
    Oh dear, then in response to someone trying to be helpful:
    Quote Originally Posted by 5wiitp
    Well, no sh*t it’s a legal matter.

    Do you have any idea how many other threads I had to start elsewhere because of him? Too many to count.

    He did this on another forum 5 or so years ago, and the spamming only ended when the admin turned off registration. He basically keeps finding my whereabouts because of a certain alias I use.

    Maybe I’ll have to abandon all of these handles. As sad as that is, a lot of these type of message boards aren’t very active nowadays anyway.
    Still residual anger over the failure of the world to celebrate the glorious day that is the anniversary of Peter slithering into the world, perhaps? No cake, no card, nobody cares.

  5. #95
    Peter's Conscience
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    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - madder than a bag of hedgehogs

    Quote Originally Posted by AprilBubbles View Post
    Oh my, such anger towards someone trying to be helpful.
    Yes, the poor potato got so itself so worked up and upset, it deleted the thread!

  6. #96
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - ChatGPT wrote a poem for you

    I asked chat GPT for a poem about Peter.
    I find the output from the AI is often biased towards toxic positivity, but this wasn't too bad for a robot, I thought.
    A bit doggrel a la McGonagall, but anyways:

    Quote Originally Posted by ChatGPT
    In a tower block in Edinburgh, a lonely spud did dwell,
    In a room with just a TV and a PlayStation, what a smell.
    He spent his days and nights, immersed in Resident Evil 4,
    Fighting off the zombies, his digital foes.

    He longed for friendship, for a hand to hold,
    But the screen was his only companion, it never got old.
    In this virtual world, he felt alive and bold,
    A hero in his own right, a story yet untold.

    But when the game was over, and the credits did roll,
    The spud was left alone, his heart felt cold.
    He sighed and looked around, at the empty room,
    Wishing for a friend, a hand to hold, a life to resume.

    Yet still he kept on playing, for it was his escape,
    From the loneliness of reality, and the bleak, tower block landscape.
    So he battled on, this lonely potato in Edinburgh,
    In Resident Evil 4, his virtual world and kingdom.
    (I specified RE4 in the prompt, as I know it's Peter's favourite instalment in the franchise.)
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-05-2023 at 05:59 PM. Reason: form --> from

  7. #97
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - never knowingly understood.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    Um, RE4 isn't my favourite sequel [...]
    Yes, I know, you may have mentioned that several hundred times. Sarcasm is lost on you isn't it, you moron?

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    [...] and the game doesn't actually feature zombies.
    Ah well, you see there I think you've confused me with someone who gives a flying fuck. As I may have mentioned before, I've never played, nor have I any interest in any of the games. It goes without saying that ChatGPT hasn't played them either.

    Seriously: How the fuck do you manage to be so fucking stupid and still somehow actually function? it's a miracle you don't accidentally strangle yourself trying to get dressed in the morning, or drown brushing your teeth. Nope - scratch that - you clearly don't brush your teeth on a regular basis. Jesus fucking christ - I've seen fucking soap bubbles that demonstrate more problem solving abilities than your addled potato noggin.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-06-2023 at 04:08 PM. Reason: t-->n

  8. #98
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - get in the fucking sea.

    Quote Originally Posted by The Saunders child View Post
    That's kind of funny, because for a guy who keeps on saying he doesn't play horror games, you sure do tweet about Doom and Resident Evil a lot.

    You've been rumbled, James.

    Also, you shouldn't be calling me fat, when judging from your photos, you look like a real plump bastard who is more overweight than I am, and I'm not even really overweight anyway. So calling me fat, makes you a hypocrite. How's that feel?
    It feels like Father Ted trying to explain to Dougal the difference between small and far away...
    That might well be true regarding James, Peter, but, and this bit is important so pay attention, it is of no interest to anyone because I'm not James.
    Any information you may scrape about James has absolutely no relevance; it is in no way pertinent to me because (again, for emphasis) I am not James.

    I don't tweet, Peter.
    About anything.
    I don't play games very often (I played shellshockers for about 20 minutes sometime last month but that's the first time I've gone near anything that might be considered a game in about a year).
    Your tiny little potato mind is so fixated on some random Australian blogger, that you are incapable of considering the possibility of there being more than one person on the internet.
    I guess this is probably because you've never previously managed an original thought, so having had this one, despite it being clearly incorrect, you've fixated onto it like Gollum lusting after the fucking one true ring. You make fucking flat earthers look like fucking beacons of rationality.

    You are obese, Peter. Your weight might not be that great in absolute terms, but it is entirely made up of lard and skank; You have no muscle tone, a poor diet, poor hygiene and get little or no obvious exercise because you're a fucking shut-in headcase, and a lazy fucking repulsive wankstain to boot.
    It's not even like you can blame lockdown. it has been a slow, steady, self-inflicted accumulation of fucking podge, driven by a sweet (rotten) tooth, greed and laziness. I'd be amazed if you can bend down to tie your fucking shoelaces without giving out one of those old man fat-bastard wee grunts.
    Actually I'd be amazed if you can tie shoelaces in any fashion.
    You contribute nothing. You produce nothing. You enrich nobody's life. You provide nothing of worth to society or to your community. Your existence has no positive aspects. You vex, and you consume, and you contaminate. You are a fucking waste of time, money, resources and oxygen - a drain on your family, the state, and the fucking planet as a whole.
    You are a fucking pestilence; a blight on humanity.
    Last edited by PeterAndersonIsARacist; 02-06-2023 at 06:46 PM.

  9. #99
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - A pot noodle and a wank (skip the pot noodle)

    I see fuckface is back posting again: illiterate waffle and tiny, tiny thumbnails of irrelevences, as usual.
    Anyone have idea what rattled the creepy little fucker's cage this time?
    Bored with nobody answering its endless fucking vapid threads about Resident Evil and Silent Hill games that don't exist yet?
    Humiliated by not understanding how cultural references work?
    Overcome with the Valentine's day mood, bringing the fucknut's obsessive infatuation with a certain Australian to a head - both figuratively and literally?

  10. #100
    Peter's Conscience
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    Nov 2021
    Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison

    Peter Ross Anderson - Potato Pachinko

    Poor wikkle potato has its panties in a twist.
    Despite previously slagging NeoGaf, it seems to be fuckface's new go-to place to post its delusional wall-of-text whining:

    Quote Originally Posted by Obsidian Ball
    Got any stories about fail trolls trying to rile you up? Share yours here! 
    Today at 12:04 AM

    For 6 years now, the same Australian prick with the surname "Berich" has been stalking me online, trying his best to be a downright nippy cunt, and a colossal weirdo to boot. The loser practically does every week too, by the way. Maybe he's jealous of me, or wants to shag my skinny wee arse. Too bad I'm not for sale. 

    The sad thing is, that this guy is actually 37 years old, yet you would think he was much younger with the way he conducts himself. And I came across his date of birth on the vbulletin.com support forum once.

    Considering I have known him for two decades on the Internet, I knew he had to be an adult roughly about my age anyway. But that doesn't make it any less sad to find out this pathetic bastard is the same age as myself. 

    Anyway, in 2004 he ran a Capcom website, and he was on a lot of Resident Evil forums I registered on as well, so he knew all of those clannish RE admins on these crappy message boards. They gave me so much hassle for a really long time. But I hadn't heard from the creep himself in a long time thereafter, as I went to so many other forums. Many of those old forums closed down regardless.

    I knew he was asking about a short film I was in on IMDb's help forum, though, as I found a guy asking about this production I worked on, back in March of 2017. This was just from spotting the URL on Google within weeks of me appearing in it.

    So he signed up 4 months later on Biohaze, a RE fan forum run by a guy called Yama. He pretended to be some dude who retired from writing for Rely on Horror, which is a survival horror news site. He got banned for being an idiot, then soon came back. Then he registered on other forums using proxy servers, and spammed them up with dozens of accounts, hurling a lot of vile comments directed at myself, as well as occasionally saying nasty shit about my mother's ill health, and my sister's children, and referring to me as a retard and a potato. I mean, really. Give this clown down under an A for effort in the brainy department.

    My family used to have a dog called Pepsi. So he once signed up to silenthillcommunity.com with that name, only to be reported and banned. But he did more or less the same shit elsewhere for a number of years. My attempts to get him barred from many of these websites were often met with mixed results, even though he was banned once as "Rub" and then re-emerged as the mirrored alias, "Bur."

    He found out I was seeking work as an extra in films, so he tried to bugger up my filmography entries on purpose, and I also think he was contacting the personnel involved in these movies on social media, to prattle on about personal matters regarding former support workers.

    He keeps on saying that I'm a talentless retard, who only gets to be an extra because I pledge money using my retard checks. In real life, I have a form of autism known as PDD-NOS, hence the radge pot's stupid "retard" fabrication. Well that, plus also harassing my disabled friend by sending random people to one of his previous addresses.

    In addition to doing childish shit like that more times than I care to remember, he was joining wikis and editing every page I was, to basically be subscribed to them. I don't think you can tag pages for to receive updates to your email address unless you edit them first. He literally kept this up for 2 or more years for probably over a hundred articles, as the only moderator on this horror films related wiki basically allowed it to go on. The only other guy who was on there with power said he's a nurse. He left during the Covid situation, or something. But I don't even bother with the wiki any more, to be honest.

    Recently, I found out the envious Aussie dumb fuck had been placing delete tags on pages I made just to be obnoxious, so I reported him for not only doing that, but for signing up under my most commonly used pseudonym in order to do it.

    There's a forum to do with anxiety support, and since late 2021, he has been spamming it up on a weekly basis because it never gets maintained. The host is hidden using Cloudflare, and they wouldn't reveal the name of the genuine hosting service.

    He also listed my user names in his main profile with a lengthy tangent about negative stuff that happened to me. Bullshit that he claims I was responsible for having caused.

    Another two Australians were previously active users on this forum, so I asked them to report him. Unfortunately, they're apparently arseholes too, so that never happened. 輦

    So how do I know he's from Western Australia, rather than New Zealand?

    From himself, essentially!

    He posted a picture of himself and a dog, which he said is named Cody, and uploaded YouTube videos with his own accommodation featured. And while he wears gloves to hide his large hands, he once posted a Kiwi IP address on Wikipedia, which is how I found him on Twitter after I got suspicious, and did some detective work as to who I felt was following me around. Then what do you know? He had a picture of himself... with that very same mutt!

    His YouTube videos are super bizarre as well. Have a look...

    Since then, he has basically pretended to have recruited back up, and frequently uses weasel terms like "we" and "us" and says it's all part of the mythical 'Gimpy Movement' he invented, or some dope shit like that. All of this just to try to make people think he has convinced other people to do the same shit he is.

    Again, this moron is supposed to be 37, right? What the fuck?

    Basically, he claims he's not even Australian, that he doesn't play badly written games, and that he is not called James either. Even his family members like to damage control for him. Because I contacted someone on Facebook related to him a few years back to ask her to tell him off for being such an obsessive and demented bogan online, and she said somebody was probably impersonating him, because he'd never do this type of stuff, that he's likely being set up to take the fall, and sundry. Seriously! 

    Why move goal posts after somebody has sussed you out? That's rather pointless. Because then, it's too late to hide yourself after you yourself got exposed. Even so, that's all he does. Which is why I seriously don't give a flying fuck when it comes to acknowledging his posts anymore. Been there, bought the shirt.

    He'll just keep on replying in a snide manner and completely skip over anything you say about him, and only point out your so-called flaws to make himself seem powerful and intelligent, when he is anything but smart.

    Sadly, the Australian police don't even bother warning him. I called a police station in Perth a few times, and they gave me some spiel about not having the jurisdiction to arrest him just because I'm in Edinburgh, Scotland. Although they did tell me he lives in Western Australia. So then why not arrest him for his cyber antics in general? Surely what he's doing is still considered to be illegal under any state's bar.

    So what are you supposed to do if you're contacting legal firms or the cops in that country, and getting no response? 

    If you have had any similar issues with an ex-girlfriend or whoever, let me know about it and if you got the problem resolved in the end. I could use a laugh. 

    But yeah. This waste of space guy? He absolutely fucking sucks balls, and cannot EVER take the bloody hint. 



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