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  1. #1
    Senior Member
    Join Date
    Jan 2014
    Southeast US

    A key to peace. Gratititude! 5 day challenge guaranteed, or your money back. :D

    I am making a challenge, although mainly to myself, as I need this. The goal is to write 5 things you are grateful for each day, people places, things, even feelings, thoughts, and as I do this my hope is to set a fire to my ability to examine those very real things in life that are indeed much needed, to see the little things that I keep in the recess of my mind, the things I do not notice when I'm wrapped up in life experiences.

    Join me if you wish, I hope you do, but I am grateful I don't have the responsibility to make anyone participate.

    So I will begin. Peace y'all

    1. I am grateful for my father, and the things he has taught me, hunting, fishing, work habits, as well as working on cars, welding, and building things.

    2. I am grateful for my mom, the great food she cooked, and the time she worked to manage various business's and the care she took of her home, the cleanliness, the funny jokes she has told, as well as her cooking for an army, and now the time she spends helping her friends go through some health issues, doctor appointments.

    3. I am grateful for my brother, his skillful architectural work in the sheet metal industry and his strong desire to do it right. I am thankful for his innocent ways, his giving nature, and commitment to his son. I am grateful for his humor, and his relentless desire to help his friends complete jobs around their homes.

    4. I am grateful for my son, who is a father of 3, and only 28 and has accepted raising 2 step children. He works hard at being a family man, loves giving to his family, and is a compassionate friend. His love of the less fortunate ( I recall when we lived in Nashville he wanted me to give all my money to a homeless man on the street). His honesty, and his determination to make sense of his panic, and work to keep his balance. He's insightful, and ambitious, and so curious about life.

    5. I am grateful for my daughter, her drive in education, her hard working nature, and her ability to overcome the loss of her first child. She's a scheduled person, strong willed and beautiful inside and out. Her compassion for others, and her choice of a husband who is quite fitting for her.

    6. I am grateful for my youngest daughter. Now 18, works full time, knows what she wants, and works to get it. She bought paid cash to buy her first car, got her license even though scared to take the test. She pushes on and respects her grandma, and has always been by my side, laying hardwood floors, wiring outlets, laying carpet, cutting and chopping firewood these last 5 years as it was our source of heat. (we have a furnace now) YAY! She's helped build decks, porches, install doors, and is trying her hand in my new welding, blacksmith shop. She's a great cook, and so giving to others.

    I know I went six. LOL Anyway this was not as easy as I thought. I wanted to get into what I don't like too. I seen how strengths are usually associated with what I might judge as weakness's too. Ahh judgements, those thoughts that creep in.

    Good luck.... Peace

    http://youtu.be/F-iTlKDVwng (this video may help get you started)
    Last edited by GeneAllen; 02-16-2014 at 10:16 AM.
    "The One you are looking for, is the One looking."
    ---Gene Allen----



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