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  1. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 02:37 PM
    I like how you're akin to an obsessed cuck with nothing better to do than follow me online, then denying that you posted spam and hateful crap, that nobody really cares about? What are you wanting for your big fruitless effort? A cookie? "

    What are you blabbering about, you angry demented little potato?
    Is your ankle itchy from the tag?

  2. "Kakapo - Today 01:49 PM
    I bet you anything, that you'll be logging on later and cutting and pasting my posts again to offer your important critique."

    What? You mean like this car crash of a thread? maybe later. Honestly it's funny enough without comment.

  3. "Kakapo - Today 04:58 PM
    I get many 'pot, kettle, black' vibes from you, James"

    Sorry, not James.
    If you stop sitting on the vibrator you will stop getting the vibes.
    Keep trying though - just through random chance you'll maybe get something right eventually.

  4. "Kakapo - Today 04:08 PM
    Saunas, out calls and excuses exist."

    Kinda hard to justify not appearing in court but being fine to go to a sauna though, isn't it?
  5. "Kakapo - Today 02:42 PM
    Go away, JB."

    Not JB
  6. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 12:08 PM
    I knew it was you; I could smell ya getting off the elevator. "

    That smell, the one that follows you everywhere you go? That's you, you rancid little jzzbucket.

  7. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 11:49 AM
    On the last day of Christmas, I gave to you...

    12 jizz filled kumquats.
    11 racist and misogynistic rantings.
    10 court papers.
    9 sock accounts.
    8 Australian slang words.
    7 of Frank's model trains.
    6 Capcom hate threads.
    5 sealed copies of PS2 games.
    4 Rambo shirts.
    3 blue elephant phone stands.
    2 iced coffees
    And 1 hantavirus infected mouse in a lemon juice."

    It's not supposed to just be a list of things lying around your bedroom.
    Still, mildly surprised that you can count to 12 - its at least 11 more than I expected
  8. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 01:09 PMReport
    Spamming on Legal Junkies is just stupid."

    Well then, stop doing it!

  9. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 02:44 PM
    I don't know if my next court date will appear on the court rolls, as it's an invite from the PF. However, it's the 29th. They're arseholes, so I may feel inclined to let them know how incompetent they are, for the judicial services in the UK sucks ass."

    Thanks for the update.
    For once I agree with you, they are utterly incompetent.
    You should definitely tell them that.
    Repeatedly, and at length.
    Add some swearing for extra impact.
    Happy to help.

  10. "The Scottish Pedro - Today 02:42 PM
    Hiding your Spark details in New Zealand with the free Opera VPN again, huh?"

    Why would I be in New Zealand?
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About PeterAndersonIsARacist

Basic Information

Date of Birth
January 26, 1986 (39)
About PeterAndersonIsARacist
Are you a forum administrator?
Did Peter send you to this page as 'edivence' that some random user on your site was supposedly an Australian called James?
Did Peter ask you to ban said user, just on Peter's say-so?
Better yet, did Peter ask you to take action regarding someone else's website?

I am not Australian, and I am not called James, and I'm almost certainly not the user Peter has complained about on your site.

I can't rule out that the user Peter has targeted may well be a troll, or one of the great multitude of people that have reason to loathe Peter, but is more likely to be just some random user.
Peter is extremely paranoid, but what do you expect for an obnoxious shut-in who in two decades on the internet has made no friends and hundreds of enemies.
Maybe see how they behave and make your own mind up, rather than acting as a proxy for a psychopath - because once you acquiesce to one of Peter's delusional requests, the fucker will use that as a toehold to try to get you dancing to Peter's increasingly demented tune.

Even if you don't directly engage with Peter, if Peter thinks there is any slack or leeway in the moderation, Peter will use your forum as a platform from which to further harass people - including previous victims - directly but also likely to be by recruiting others to act on Peter's behalf.

Peter is a mentally ill, obsessive, violent convicted criminal with long, long record - including charges of assault and harassment (including common, racial and sexual) and is a dangerous and deeply nasty excuse for a human.

Peter currently has about 6 or 7 (I lose track) active non-harassment orders for various people, which Peter has a history of breaching, and is on release subject to a supervision order (which Peter is also not complying with).
If Peter is a regular user on your boards you might want to keep a careful eye on what the fucker is up to.

Just ask Peter, and the twat will merrily confirm most this quite openly.
Peter thinks it's all just further evidence of persecution, to the extent that at various points Peter has threatened to and/or attempted to (in a hilariously incompetent way) sue Peter's victims, the police, the court and even Peter's own lawyer.

Peter thinks constantly breaching no contact orders and bail conditions is OK, because they're unreasonable.
Peter thinks Peter's actions were entirely justified and the victims were all 'asking for it', mostly by existing, or having breasts, or trying to avoid Peter, or not wanting to sleep with Peter, or even just not wanting to listen to Peter.
Peter thinks it's OK to sexually assault someone 'to make a point'.
Peter thinks Peter ended up on the sex offenders wing with the other paedophiles and predators, because someone misheard something in court.
Peter thinks assaulting someone with a bottle is excusable because they were getting in Peter's way (when Peter was trying to assault someone else).
Peter thinks following a woman home at night and assaulting her is excusable because Peter, 'just wanted her to listen' to Peter.
Peter thinks lurking outside the home of someone Peter has previously harassed is reasonable, because they wouldn't 'let' Peter 'apologise'.
Peter thinks trying to hack someone's social media accounts and sending them death threats is excusable because they blocked Peter on social media.
Peter thinks paying to appear as an extra in a film gives Peter carte blanche to harass the cast and crew.
Peter thinks appearing as an extra in a deleted scene in someone's film gives Peter licence to harass and stalk them, their families, friends and colleagues, pirate their film, and slander them repeatedly.
Peter thinks liking a record someone released in the 80s give Peter some sort of friendship rights and access to that persons life, and that when they don't quite see things the same way, that harassing and threatening them is completely justified.
Peter thinks sex workers are obligated to provide their services to Peter, on demand, without any right to refuse or ignore Peter, and again, when they don't quite see things the same way, that slandering and harassing them is completely justified.
Peter thinks liking or disliking specific computer games determines your worth as a human being, with a fervour that would lead many religious extremists to look askance at the cunt.

Basically, Peter Anderson is a straight-to-youtube horror movie villain grade psycho. The only redeeming feature the wastrel has is crippling agoraphobia - which is honestly probably the only thing standing between Peter and a troubling Netflix documentary.

You will probably completely ignore this warning, but later, when it all comes to pass, just remember:
"I told you so".

Not all Peter Andersons, obviously.
Peter Ross Anderson
2/6 Greendykes house, Greendykes Rd, Edinburgh EH16 4JJ

Spawned 26/01/1986

[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]

Also known as (and this is a mere selection of the ridiculous number of aliases):

Acid Rounds
Ah? New Zealand Has Kiwis
Ah? Tasmania Has Devils
Aniseed Toffee
Axel Stone
Baby Eagle is Missing
Baby Jane Hudson
Bag of Seeds
Baked potato
Bee Specimen
Beef Jerky
Black Bass
Blue Leech Charm
Bo Vine
Boards Fight Back
Box of Biscuits
Broken Shotgun
Caffeine Addict
Candy Stick
Chocolate Milk
Coconut ice
Coffee Maker
Count Dracula
Cowboys and Indians
Crystal vase
Cure Zombrex
Cwaazy P3nguin
Da Lonely 1
Deer Rest FOA
Deleted member 417
Deleted member 32967
Disinfecting Alcohol
Draw on the fire!
Edward Carnby
Ex-Deputy So & So
First Aid Box
Flame Rounds
Freeze Rounds
Gasoline Tank
Grace in the Dark
Grace Saunders
Green Leech Charm
Green Shield
Grizzly Teddy
Gold Chicken Egg
Gold Dragonfly
Gold MD
Gummy bear
Gun Shop Kendo
H.G. Fan
Handgun Ammo
Harry Callahan
Health Drink
Herbal Medicine
Highland Spring
Hunter Hunted
Jack Attack
Jack Deth
Jacob Fatu
John Rambo
John Roe
Johnny Mnemonic
Kaffeine Monsta
Knight Plug
Kyle Laurie
Lemon Zing
Library Ghost
Little Grace Saunders
Lotus Biscoff
Medical Syringe
Mentals Fan 4 Lyfe
Milky Way Magic Stars
Mine's Real Butter
Mister Eye
Moto Bug
Mr. Static
Nail Polish Remover
Obsidian Ball
Oh Range Deuce
Oil Can
Orange Creme
Orange Chocolate Crunch
Otis B. Driftwood
Paul Lee
Paul Phoenix
Peter A
Peter C.E.
Peter Film Fan
Peter SC
Piranha Plant
Plane N Sim Pill
Poison Dart
Raisin Teh Steaks
Rambo was a pussy!
Re Beck Ah Chambers
Rebecca Chambers
Recovery Aid
Red Cherries
Rice Pudding
Roger Cobb
Rubber Ball
Shang Tsung
Shield Key
Siberian Jukebox 3000
Signal Rockets
Smedident Evil
Sneaky Pete
Strawberry Delight
Stuffed Cat
5wiits 4 Ma 5wiit
Sword of Obedience
The Mummy
The Non Romero Zombie
The Saunders child
The Scottish Pedro
The Tickle Pig
thesaunderschild _
Toe Foo
Tommy Walls
White Chrism
White Rock
William Afton
WWE CAWs.ws Champion
Yahoo Answers
Zippy Chippy Tango

Even Peter struggles to keep track of so many pseudonyms though, and has started reverting many of them to variations of "thesaunderschild" as part of Peter's fetish to identify as a badly rendered 8 year old girl (Grace Saunders, from Alone in the Dark).
Ultimately it doesn't really matter which pseudonym Peter uses as Peter is instantly recognisable having been effectively copy-pasting the same bullshit long-winded rants for years. Hilariously there are bots that scrape forums for material and post it on other forums, so the hard part is not figuring out "did fuckface write this?", it's trying to figure out "did fuckface write this somewhere else and then a bot copied it here?". You can't always tell until someone replies to the post (and so very rarely does anyone reply to the post) or Peter threadjacks someone else's topic...
Edinburgh, Scotland and occasionally prison
Misogynist rants, racist rants, doxxing, harassing people, assault, generally being a cuntwomble
Getting arrested, making YouTube videos then deleting them.


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