View Full Version : Viibryd

03-26-2012, 07:29 AM
I'm new to the forum but wanted to share my experience with anxiety and an antidepressant called viibryd. I suffer from bipolar type 1 and also severe anxiety- I take 1 mg of klonopin as needed in addition to the multitude of other meds I take for bp for anxiety but the one med that has helped above all else for anxiety has been viibryd. It's a fairly new AD and not in the benzo class so no worries about addiction. I uses to make myself physically sick with anxiety to the point where they removed my gallbladder and I have seen a huge improvement- just wanted to share!

04-04-2012, 05:56 AM
I was on vybriid a few months ago and wish I had the same luck. It seemed to work really fast for me at first and I hung around 20 mg. after 3 months it stopped having the same effects. I increases to 40 mg. my anxiety never got better and I started having really bad side effects like nightmares, diarrhea and" brain zaps" ( look it up) I hope your experience continues! Good luck!