View Full Version : is this true?

03-20-2012, 09:46 PM
3 years ago my brother passed away from congestive heart failure. Ever since I have suffered from anxiety, I'm not sure what this type of anxiety is called but basically I'm constantly thinking there's something wrong with my heart. I have had my heart checked out multiple times the past 3 years: EKG'S and echocardiograms. All normal. Thing is I get chest pains, irregular heartbeat, palpitations. I take medicine for GERD. I take tums/pepto bismal, otc acid reflux pills and my anxiety medication on a daily basis.. but I still get my chest pains and stuff... maybe its anxiety? But it shouldn't be I take anxiety medication!!! So then I think there has got to be something wrong with my heart if I'm still having chest pains and taking all these different things to prevent them. I am 26 weeks pregnant and it has gotten worse lately, but before my pregnancy I was still dealing with this. I deal with this anxiety on a daily basis, its honestly driving me mad. I feel hopeless. But the main thing I think is death... that these chest pains are going to lead to me dying. Or my heart stopping in my sleep and I die. I'm 17. And depend on my mom so much because of my anxiety.. I go to bed with her at night because she gives me a sense of protection.. then later during the night I eventually go to my bed. I'm 17 will be 18 in may and I'm worried.. I need to get over this stuff so I can get on with my life, and take care of my daughter, my mom will not be around forever. (This worries me too, I find myself making sure she's still breathing and my brother before I go to bed at night) death is a very scary thought, that I just can't come to terms with. But I am so sick of this.. I'm sick of this every day battle. I need help and advice.

My question is I heard, if you worry all the time like there's something wrong with your heart you can actually over time give yourself heart problems from all the stress? If that's so, then something's got to give... how can I prevent heart disease from stressing so much, if it feels so impossible to not stress?! I'm to young for this stuff, I should.be living life to the fullest. Not being a worry wart, and a spaz!!

03-20-2012, 11:24 PM
I hope you get over this hump. Remember to breathe deeply expanding your chest, not your stomach. It's hard when the people you care the most about, don't understand.

I have been told that it can be a self fulfilling prophecy if you don't get it in check, but you are young and your heart is very strong. It would take years and years of high anxiety.

03-21-2012, 01:20 PM
i definitely think it would be a wise move to talk to your doctor about this to be referred over to therapy!

pregnancy kicked my anxiety up like nothing else! honestly, i was a wreck! hopefully it will die down after the pregnancy for you! you have to remember, not only are you protecting yourself, you are now protecting your baby!
your anxiety levels must hit an all time high during pregnancy! they did for me anyway!
there was one occasion when i was at a bus stop, and a man moved to put his hands in his pockets - i screamed and ran thinking he was going to attack me. pretty funny when i look back, but it was double worry!

kev is right though, alot of people still struggle with anxiety, even though they are on anxiety meds. it is a natural thing to be anxious at times. so nothing you take is going to take it away completely.
the most important thing for anxiety is learning how to deal with it. learning how to manage it when it is there! there are therapies out there that are able to help you get through this :)