View Full Version : Finally knowing what I have.
01-04-2007, 04:34 PM
I never knew what I had. I guess I have this and Panic Disorder. I've been reading about it and it sounds exactly what I go through.I think I had this since about 5th grade. I am now in 9th grade, I'm 15.
I'm finally going to see someone soon. I'm not very good at controlling my attacks. A friend on here gave me advice about it, but I'm still open to more suggestions that you guys use.
I love traveling, concerts, movies, and going to amusement parks. But I get very afraid now because I've had attacks while there. I avoid concerts now, and i get very jumpy during movies and traveling. While traveling I really pray I'll be okay.
I think I'll stop wasting your time now. Thanks for reading this anyways.I like meeting new people on here, 2 people have helped me alot so far. I hope I can help someone too.
01-05-2007, 07:19 AM
Often agrophobia is caused by a desire to avoid repeating panic attacks. First you dont go to concerts because they have caused you to have a panic attack. Then you dont go to the movies, then school, then to the shops, then to friends, then out the house as this is the only place you feel safe. Then finally you have a panic attack in your own home say in the living room and will not go in that room eventually you wont leave your bedroom. Sounds crazy but its not it is instinct.
Dont give in to it, face your fear and do it anyway. Learn coping techniques for when you have an attack and never stop doing somthing because you have had a panic attack whilst doing it.
It is hard, really hard, but dont let fear rule your life, odds are you wont have an attack the next time you go to a concert, instead it could be in the car or the supermarket but where ever it is remember its not the place it is your illness.
I hope you start to heal soon,
P.S. youre never wasting someones time here thats the whole point babe.
01-05-2007, 01:23 PM
I still go to the movies, and everything (concerts not as much, hard to get enough money to go :tongue: ). I'm still afraid, but I try to ignore it and just have fun. Even though it doesn't always work. I've had them i most places I go. I've had them at home too, and it doesn't stop me. I'm hoping it never will stop me. But soon I'll be getting treatment and everything should be better, at least better than now.
01-05-2007, 01:30 PM
You're very brave, good luck in the future and I hope you feel better soon.
01-05-2007, 01:50 PM
Thank you. I hope you feel better too. =]
01-05-2007, 05:59 PM
Mine started in grade 2 and slowly got worse. I told my teacher I forgot my lunch money and went to call my mom. I told her I felt sick and to come get me. I was sick so much as scared of the other kids. All were mad and now I have agoraphobia. (or more like I still have it)
I know it stinks. I want to go to see our hockey team play but I think of all the people. I love hockey but my love isn't as strong as my fear. heh.
PS. Here for support.
01-05-2007, 06:17 PM
Wow, second grade. I'm sorry to here you had it for so long. I love hockey too and I get nervous going to the games, especially when we sit near the ice. I love bieng close to the action, but I get all funny feeling, and being at the top is awesome too but I get freaked out up there too. I'm not scared of heights but i feel like I'm going to get an attack. Which is why I can't go on rollarcoasters or ferris wheels which I used to love. I should get over the fear but this one I can't. I'm glad I can talk to you. I hope I can talk to you agian soon. Messga em when ever you want.
~best of wishes
01-28-2007, 08:16 PM
hey my name is candy and im so glad that i found this website wow i thought that i was the only one in the world that could ever have such a weird phobia lol well anywho im 17 years old and i've had this phobia since 9th grade i don't know exactly what caused it to happen or whatever but its pretty much taken over my life. i don't hang out with my friends like i use to, i don't go anywhere by myself, i don't go to concerts or any where where there is a big crowd of people and i finally admitted to myself that i have a problem and i finally told my mom and well its been really stressful for her and i just feel like im at the end of a rope like no where else to go. i am talking to a therap. and she is really great. But im tired of this takin over my life and i just want to be young and crazy and just be able to drive and not have to worry bout me having a panic attack and all that. well im glad to see that some one can finally understand and if you have any advice please just let me know
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