View Full Version : New Place For Healng

03-10-2012, 09:10 AM
have recently met a man who has been a therapist for over 45 years and due
to health conditions sees his life ending soon. His work is ancient as well
as groundbreaking. It is being done by a ever widening group of therapists
and he has consented to teach me his work before he passes. He has made it
clear that he wants no monetary compensation for sharing this work -so there
is nothing to buy or sell.

Many of us are struggling with anxiety - depression and diverse health
conditions. The basis of this work is that it goes to the core of the
conditions and unlike CBT or most presently taught modalities it is not a
Band-Aid or temporary fix. It is certainly not potentially damaging like
drugs given for anxiety and it is totally free and only based on your desire
and courage to Self-Discover.

Do I know if it works - I do not! I can say that in the three weeks I have
been working with him I have had awareness's that have escaped me my entire
life and they are so profound I have no doubt they are at least a partial if
not a major source of my anxiety . No path is complete in itself - each
piece of the puzzle is a new awakening. Explore this with an open mind and

While this work is fundamental to mental and physical health it is not
widely practiced by most therapists and to date the people using it have had
no place to communicate or share the journey. It is my hope this group
becomes one more piece in the puzzle to healing.

If you feel directed please visit our new support group and join if it
speaks to you



03-11-2012, 07:28 AM
I wrote a book on this, that I distribute, that is how much I believe in this method. Yet as you said, it is ancient. It isn't even a method, it's just getting back in touch with who you are when you take all the nonsense away.

But this is life changing stuff. In therapy, you walk in, chat for an hour and walk out. This changes your life. You are never again the same person afterwards.

Once you see something, you cannot unsee it.

That is a good thing, but the world is attached to its suffering and pain. People need it far more than pleasure. So they never let go.

03-11-2012, 09:37 AM
can you please tell us more about your book

03-11-2012, 10:02 AM
I went to study under a 'guru'/therapist, as I had such resistant mental anxiety and tension, that I couldn't shake.

So we done some awareness training. Stripping away all the noise the body produces, like repetitive thought, fears, sensations. For a while, it was a process of letting everything go. Doing absolutely nothing. You still live normally, and do normal things, but there is no goal, no outcome, no objective, no desire, no fear, no secret wishing, or scheming to any action. You just let everything go. Just do them to do them. You find out some profound truths about life.

I practiced go every part of my identity, for a moment. Just to see what remains when you do. When you lose every idea of yourself as a person, whats underneath it all? Who remains? Who actually are you, when you stop thinking of yourself as somebody.

And it was the most freeing thing I ever did. When I let go of every perception I had, every idea, every thought, every desire, I was just free to do things that felt right. My body was so calm, my mind was peaceful. All anxiety and depression and OCD vanished. I had no desire to control life, and play puppet master to it. I flowed with everything. Life became like meditation for me. I enjoyed everything I did, even the simplest things.

I think it was a slightly different process to what that website described, but the outcome, and method were very similar. It was just a book detailing my lessons, and experiences. Showing my life before/after.