View Full Version : constant head pressure and frequent panic attack

03-08-2012, 09:10 PM
Does anyone else have prolonged head tension or pressure... I've had mine 4 awhile now... Going on 2 months and a week... Also now getting a pretty weird dizziness... Has anyone else felt these symptoms for this amount of time.... Im really worried.... Is this most likely tension headaches due to so many panic attacks ... Really stressing... I also get sharp pains throughout my head and sometimes pain in my ear... Ringing in my ear and vision sosometimes blurrs

03-09-2012, 12:42 AM
Your post has actually made me feel better! Not because I'm glad you're suffering but because I know how you feel. Mine has been on/off since last Saturday and it feels like my head is being squeezed between a vice. It's mainly one sided, behind my eye, going round the side of my head and down my neck/shoulders. Had the ear ringing, ear pain and neck crunching when I turn my head. I was getting anxious all over again because I thought I was having some kind of anuerism but it is definitely a tension headache. It's getting better with each passing day but I've found doing light neck, head and shoulder exercises has eased it. You're not alone. xx

03-09-2012, 01:12 AM
I was hoping to not be alone maybe i should try the exercises... I haven't tried yet... Lol but i guess it might be all the panic attacks iv been having from what I've been told.... So how are you doing anyways?

03-09-2012, 02:02 AM
Not too bad. My anxiety came from nowhere 4 weeks ago and I've gone from being a healthy, rational person to a bit of a nervous wreck. Mine is health anxiety so every ache, pain and twinge I get scares me. I have been very run down and had alot on my mind lately so I'm guessing it's all stemmed from that. I've found that carrying on with my daily routine has helped although there are days when I could quite easily shut myself away and hide. It is getting better though and really hoping it's only a temporary thing for me. xx

03-09-2012, 02:15 AM
Yeah i hope so too but ever since i could remember i said the same thing you did and they went away for awhile... Then something else really bad happened.... And they just became more frequent.... Now idk what to do but try to find people with similar problems that understand... And try to cope with what's goin on with my body... And really try to ease my way back into my normal life.... But all in all i hope it does well and so far it hasn't been easy... Especially the head pressure... And dissyness along with the sharp pains... What's not to be scared of.... You never know these days

03-09-2012, 02:30 AM
It's frustrating isn't it! I have days when I feel great and think I've conquered it but then (like today) this overwhelming nervousness creeps up on me :confused:. My headache has gone today but still have a few twinges in my neck & shoulder and my right arm feels weird. It's not numb or tingly but just feels like it's not part of me. I think it's about understanding and accepting what anxiety is about and knowing that for all the crap days there are good days too. We get through it! xx

03-09-2012, 02:44 AM
Yeah i know what you mean... Sometimes i feel like Im losing control of my hand or arms like they feel really heavy .. Maybe loose... And when i try to squeeze my hand they almost feel like they don't want to close or tense sort of... Lol ink really and during my panic attacks lately if i grab my arm during a high state of panic it kinda hurts .... Crazy right? Do you ever get panic attacks or are you just very anxious at times

03-09-2012, 03:08 AM
I've only ever had 2 major panic attacks and they scared the crap out of me. The first time it happened I ended up at A&E because I didn't know what was happening and thought I was dying, the second time I managed to calm myself down although it took hours. Since then I get random aches, pains all over my body and have a constant nervous edge about me. I get anxious about being anxious. I still have tiny panics (get light headed, dizzy and feel sick) but I find if I walk around and breathe deeply they pass.... and then I feel anxious. It's a vicious circle. It's really knocked my confidence but I'm not going to let it beat me. How about you? xx

03-09-2012, 10:58 AM
Its really mowing me down.... Have along of panic attacks most of the time everyday... Sometimes i have good days though but same thing i get anxious about being anxious then my body reacts more then i really want it to... It effects my look on life now i feel like anyway now could be the worst and id really end up in the hospital... For a real reason... Not that its not already a real reason but... It gets to where it feels like it... Nerves suuuuuck lol

03-09-2012, 11:22 AM
Oh yes. All the time.

03-09-2012, 11:30 AM
You have constant head pressure and panic attacks all the time as well?

03-09-2012, 08:36 PM
I'm wondering if that is similar to stress/anxiety migraines????

03-10-2012, 12:31 AM
Well sometimes during the tension headaches i do feel throbbing pain like migraine.... Sucks really bad.... I feel most the real pressure on my forehead... And the migraine on top of my right side of my head

03-10-2012, 08:12 AM
Mine is back again today and really starting to piss me off! It's not so much the pain but the pressure. It's like I'm waiting for something to pop/explode inside my head or behind my eye. I'm still having neck, shoulder and back twinges so I know it's all connected. It's wearing off now but when will the next one come???? Thing is, at what point do I start being concerned. Surely an on/off headache lasting for this long isn't healthy. It's really starting to drag me down. xx

03-10-2012, 10:35 AM
Well meche i wouldn't worry about the tension from what iv learned people with anxiety and panic attacks are prone to headaches of all sorts... Im awaiting my mri approval just in case but my doctor and the nerologist both think its just tension due to anxiety.... Do u also have sharp pains along with the tension? Like around the side of the head temples... Back of the head and forehead... Cause i do.... Bothers md and pisses me off as well