View Full Version : My completely disabling symptoms

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 04:47 PM
Hi there......

Feels odd coming to a forum to ask for help on this. Feel let down a bit by the medical world with how ive been for the past 15 months or so. let me begin.

about 15 months ago i woke up after a big drinking session with a dry retching gagging cough. went to a festival that day and got pretty loose and it continued for days afterwards.
after that, i started getting tingles in my head and all the major sensations of panic attacks and anxiety. of course, i didnt know this at the time and really thought i was losing my mind and was going insane.
i was alone through all of this and trying to hide it and had major stress headaches, chest pain, arm pain, breathing difficulty, tingles in head, etc.. the works.

I went to my childhood chiropractor and he asked whether i was clenching my jaw and i realised i was, over a few weeks this alleviated some of my head feelings but i still was in a pretty constant state of generalised anxiety and stress. my breathing difficulty continued and i continued to have this dry retching gagging cough that i have had for about 15 months now.

the next 9 months or so were a bit of an up and down. a lot of anxiety constantly, mostly due to fear about my health with this debilitating cough that seemed to be worse after a night of drinking. i constantly feared i was dying because of my breathing difficulty and coughing. in this time i went to see a resipratory physiotherapist who said i wasnt breathing with my diaphram properly and i still struggle with this.
went to the doctors about 30 times last year with symptoms and had rounds of anti-biotics for my cough, did nothing.

had chest xrays twice, blood tests, nothing came up.

work was really starting to stress me out more and i developed more anxiety related headaches and stress headaches. my vision started to play up, expecially in my right eye.
i just wanted to get better. i started seeing a chiropractor / kinesiologist who started to address all the problems with my muscles in my upper chest, and adjusting my eosophagus which was contracting tightly.
i was starting to get a fair bit of stomach discomfort and acidy reflux. the dry reaching cough we managed to reduce a LITTLE BIT by doing some neck stretches to help stretch out my eosophagus.

i then went to a music festival and stupidly got pretty wasted on all sorts of things. i came back and felt ok for a couple of days and then i hit rock bottom with my symptoms.
i couldnt see properly, focus on anything,
all of the other sympttoms i had previously came back, it was horrible, i had a couple more panic attacks and had to take time off work.

this was around december 2011.

this year i have been doing my best to get better and its just not working. ive been working with my chiro/kinesiologist who has done a lot of adjustments within my body, cranials which actually have helped my vision, adjusting my diet to low GI to reduce the stress on my adrenals, working to adjust the stomach acid levels in my system, etc.

ive also had blood a couple times, only a tiny bit, in my lower mucous that ive been able to pull up. that scared me a fair bit so i had an ultrasound on my throat and nothing came up surprisingly. ive become a fair hyperchondriac because of how my insides feel and this cough. it feels like a volcano from my stomach up to my the back of my throat
i recently also had a CT scan of my sinuses because i had so much post nasal dripping and it could also have been the cause of the traces of blood i rarely had. came back that i have cysts or polyps in my sinuses for which i am now taking a nasal spray to see if that helps before i go back to the doctors to re-assess. i dont know how much that could contribute to the general volcano feeling and difficulty of breathing and the dry reaching cough ive had for so long... but im hoping its largely responsible because i know its fixable.

im sorry for rambling so much. its hard to get all this out in a manner that makes sense.
basically, as i sit here today, ive had chest xrays, blood tests, ultrasound on my throat and a CT scan, and all that has come out of that is that i have cysts/polyps in my sinuses.

i have stomach discomfort a fair bit, my valves i think are extremely fatigued between my stomach and eosophagus and also at the back of my throat.
i feel like my throat is blocked and i have a fair bit of difficulty breathing most of the time
i have a LOT of dripping down the back of my throat
my cough usually comes as a result of feeling like im gagging on something (hopefully its just because of the dripping down my throat, but i dont know how long that can really be there for)
i get muscle twitches sometimes that seem to come when im more stressed out. these are usually felt around the right eye and a couple other faces muscles
ive had tingling/numbness/crunching sensations in my fingers that seem to have now died down a fair bit but im pretty sure its anxiety related (i swore i had MS for a while but i know thats a common thought and my chiro assured me i dont. same with fibromyalgia)
i get pretty fatigued
my chiro said that my adrenals are pretty exhausted and that my body isnt using fats properly to power my aerobic muscles (the ones you dont control, they just do their thing)
i think i clench a fair bit in my sleep that contributes to the often weird head sensations that i get
i am just constantly in a world of fear about my health, and stuck with a high anxiety level constantly that i really really want to break.
it all stems from that feeling in my core - the cough and breathing difficulty. thats the first symptom i had and its the one that has remained constant the whole time.
i am very emotionally drained and fatigued and it makes me easily cry and im just totally fed up with feeling this way.
ive worked harder and harder to get better and its just not happening and its frustrating me like you wouldnt believe. i just want to be happy and healthy again and i know if i felt healthy that my stress/anxiety/depression would reduce so much, but if my symptoms are a lot based on feeling like that, then how do i get out of this catch 22 cycle?

i dont know what kind of responses im looking for.... i just dont know.
all i know is that im desperate for answers, or people who have gone through this same cough/throat/gagging/dripping/volcano feeling and can help me get out of it.
im only 28 and ive been assuered many times that theres nothing seriously wrong with me. as a hyperchondriac its hard to believe but im starting to accept it and i DO feel slightly better about my prognosis after having all these scans and tests and nothing SERIOUS being found.

please be gentle.
thankyou so much for reading and if i get any supporting responses, you dont know how much it means to me.

03-05-2012, 05:01 PM
Do you think you're over breathing?

Simple test. Relax yourself a little. Sit up straight.

1. Get a clock or stopwatch, There's one on the desktop thats fine.
2. Breathe out gently.
3. Hold your nose and watch the clock
4. At the first sign of needing to breathe, the first kind of tingling, or twinge, in your throat, or nose, or stomach... let go and record the time you held it for.
5. Post it here, and I'll tell you what your score means, in seconds.

Again, this should be stress free. It isn't a maximum breath holding time, it's simply a comfortable one. Your breath should more or less be the same rate before and after. If you're panting, or breathless, you went a little too far.

Could be nothing, but medicine will never tell you this. I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I promise, they just make too much money from ventilator's and asthma pumps, and treatments. Why sell people a free method? For a free and easy test that lasts less than a minute, it's worth ruling out.

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 05:15 PM
hi there,

i held it for about 30 seconds pretty easily although i think i kinda was looking for symptoms as i did it which probably make me slightly stressed about doing it.
first couple breaths afterwards i felt a bit short and slightly dizzy briefly.

03-05-2012, 05:18 PM

Ok, that's actually normal, no problem there at all. Always good to rule stuff out though! It was on an our breath, right, lungs were pretty empty? If they were, no worries. Anything over 20 is normal. Anything over 30 is good.

Hopefully, someone will be able to have experienced something similar, and can offer some advice!

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 06:52 PM
thanks heaps forwells.

its definitely through the roof. i have an extremely extremely active and creative mind and can think about 10 different thoughts at once and i know so much about anxiety and stuff now that im constantly just activeily trying 50 things as once to quell it.
im just so emotionally and mentally on edge that everything triggers me off with at least a tiny reaction that feels bigger than it should be.

GP would probably try to put me on some reflux meds but its gotta be more than that, ive had it for months, i know anxiety can cause problems like that....

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 08:36 PM
thanks again, ill give that a read!

the reason i find it so hard to move on is that my breathing, throat problem is just so debilitating some of the time. even most of the time.
i believe it appeared before any of my anxiety and that it is still here so its got to be more... maybe it started out as a virus or infection, became the post nasal drip etc and its been that ever since?
i dont know and it just feels like my breathing, my throat, my eosophagus all the way down the centre of my body into my stomach is like a fire burning pit and it wont go away.
the reason i think its got to be more than that is just because its been there for so damn long. the stomach stuff only a few months however.
im so sick of this cough and just feeling utterly clogged that it plays on my mind constantly and stops me from healing everything else!

thanks again. i just have to let it out because im so frustrated that im not getting better after a year of what feels like a bad bad virus that wont go away and let me be normal again.

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 09:00 PM
Just to on the adrenal test....

Total points - 97
Severity Index - 2.2

So Moderate is my rating in Adrenal fatigue...

Struggle Town
03-05-2012, 09:34 PM
its reflux when i have like warmness and slight burning in my stomach and into my eosophagus yeah?
and its like my valve between isnt working properly.
combined that with the gagging feeling in my throat due to the nasal drip i feels like reflux or is that more defined as heartburn or indegestion?
i dont often feel food coming back up as much as i was late last year, but its kinda morphed into a more constant burn in there but less actual food coming back up.....

im so confused. :(

thankyou so much for your replies.

03-06-2012, 04:26 AM
It's surprising how refulx affects things really. I suffered all kinds of coughs, dizziness, spaced out feelings because of it. I'd have dry mouth, a lump feeling in my throat. I'd clear my throat coughing 24/7. In the end I had to stop under estimating it, and get it looked at. It fixed a world of minor problems, I couldn't believe it.

We always think of it being as just a little heart burn or acid stomach.' I'll get it checked some day, but let's focus on the big stuff now.' Definetly worth a look into Struggle Town. It's not the hardest think to eliminate either, many find success with a short spell on drugs. It's a condition that anxiety feeds too. ore anxiety, worse refulx gets. Worse reflux, causes more anxiety. It's digging a pretty deep hole now.

03-08-2012, 10:00 PM
Does anyone else have prolonged head tension or pressure... I've had mine 4 awhile now... Going on 2 months and a week... Also now getting a pretty weird dizziness... Has anyone else felt these symptoms for this amount of time.... Im really worried.... Is this most likely tension headaches due to so many panic attacks ... Really stressing... I also get sharp pains throughout my head and sometimes pain in my ear... Ringing in my ear and vision sosometimes blurrs

Struggle Town
03-08-2012, 10:08 PM
yes thats very similar to stages that ive been through.
i think the dizzyness you will find is often becuase your breathing is erratic and you are breathing from the top of your chest rather than your stomach/diaphram.
try not to breath with your chest, dont over breath and just find a natural tempo.

the head tention and pressure and vision problems and ear problems are ALL related most likely.
i get all of these. whatever it is that is making you get the panic attacks and general stress, you need to accept that its happening and that its a normal bodily function to react in this way.
you feel fear about your symptoms so your body automatically tenses up to fight the fear. which in turn makes the symptoms continue.

i think you should go see your chiropractor, a young one preferably. they seem to have the new age teachings and if you can find one who is also a kinesiologist, all the better.
you mgiht also be clenching your jaw a lot of the time which will contribute to this. focus on keeping your mouth relaxed and rest your tongue to the roof on your mouth. it becomes happy pretty quickly and keeps you from clenching all the time, but remmeber to check.

the first thing is to accept it all. and to not try and fight it.
get the chiro to check you cranials and your neck as its probably a bit out now due to the over tention.
the vision thing is often a result of the little muscles that support the eye being exhausted as with the rest of your muscles in your head. chiros can do cranial adjustments that help with this also if you find a good one.

just relax.
as you say, you have panic attacks and these symptoms are SO SO SO SO SO SO SO related to all that stuff.
i know its hard to relax but you need to realise that you are so sensitive to every feeling you get and your muscles and addrenals are just working flat out to stay alert in case they have to fight something.

watch that clenching!

03-08-2012, 11:56 PM
Thanks.... I was just worried about the long period of tension headache really like it has a big effect on me since its been a really long time... No one has told me yet if they have ever had a head ache as long as me but i went to the doc had tests run and everything came out fine

03-09-2012, 02:25 PM
Maybe learning Buteyko breathing practices may help you. It's worth checking out I think.