View Full Version : Left fist Clenched, Left side clenching

02-22-2012, 05:25 PM
Hey guys, haven't been on here in a couple years, I cant seem to remember my last username so I had to start this one. I remember last time I was posting I was in a dark place, very poor shape,smoking, always drinking and smoking marijuana. I haven't smoked in about a year and a half, I hardly ever drink and I have been working out 4 days a week for almost 2 years now! First off let me tell you that just exercising alone has made my anxiety issues SOOO much better. I still do have anxiety, but it's not as bad. Now let me tell you why I made this thread.

A few years ago I started getting a "ripping" feel in the left side of my stomach sometimes when I would twist, or sometimes randomly. It only happens maybe once a month but today was a little intense. I was sitting in the back of the car when suddenly my fist started clenching and my left side got kind of a spazzam.My left arm had pins and needles and the whole episode only lasted about 2 seconds but it felt like forever. I told my parents I couldn't go with them into Home depot and decided to sit in the car. While I was sitting in it I started to sweat alot and was kind of freaking out. Keep in mind I am on vacation and I was in the sun for a while before we left. I am also 24 years old and consider myself to be in a+ physical shape and always drink lots of water...

I got a EKG maybe 5 months ago just for precaution because I felt dizzy sometimes working out and the results came back fine. I also DO get really nervous when driving in a car when being away from home (I know it's stupid, I dont get it lol) . Do you think this "episode" was just anxiety? Thanks again!

02-25-2012, 10:55 AM
Anyways thanks for the Resposes lol :rolleyes: . SOO I found out it was my Tendons in my arms were acting up from working my upper body to much! Just goes to show that when you have bad enough anxiety you can convince yourself that you are ACTUALLY having a heart attack or something.
I read something cool a few days ago that has really helped my anxiety. The guy said that Anxiety is always trying to convince you that something is wrong, and something bad will happen. But if you remember that anxiety's ONLY job is to convince you that something is wrong then all you have to tell yourself in your head when you experience anxiety is that nothing is ACTUALLY wrong and DO NOT respond to the anxiety you are feeling. haha make sense? Sounds really simple, but for me I have always found the most simple tips are the most helpful!