View Full Version : once again, im very worried i have a brain tumor, HELP PLEASE?:(

02-20-2012, 11:12 AM
hey everyone, im a teenage girl who for the past month an a half has been suffering with the following symptoms:
I will put (current symptom) after each symptom i have experienced, and if im having them at this moment in time

Moderate to severe headaches in the same place on my head (top left side) (current symptom)
Very dizzy! (Current symptom)
Muscle twitching
Nausea, never vomitted, but close to it. (Current symptom)
Walking and balance problems (current symptom)
Blurry and poor vision (current symptom)
Random aches and tingles on my left arm and left leg(current symptom)
Shaky hands and legs that are uncontrollable (current symptom)

Thats pretty much the main ones.

I started to worry at the begining of january for no reason, then as times progressed, i have worried everyday that its a tumor.
Ive seen the doctor twice and they said it is anxiety, but my mum was just telling her that, i didnt get a say.

what worries me the most is that i get these symptoms everyday, and there kinda getting worse? the thing is, i usually get these symptoms before the worry starts, i have been trying to ignore them for a few days and accept its anxiety, but its barely working, im so very scared. What if i ended up having an mri and they found a large tumor that was inoperable? Thats such a big fear of mine
I need answers. I started to worry about it again today, because the aymptoms just wont go away. I need reassurence! Can anxiety still be causing my symptoms even though the overthinking and worry has kinda stopped? HELP:( p.s the start of this whole worry was when i had a headache in the same place everyday, which is still unexplained!!!

02-20-2012, 11:40 AM
I have EXACTLY the same symptoms as you... I was worried about a brain tumor at start as well, but if it was a brain tumor I would be dead already because it started summer last year......no its just anxiety, are you taking AD's? Try taking AD's one pill for 3 months and you should be totally fine after :)

Anxiety is a crazy crazy thing and it is hard to believe it is causing all this...

02-20-2012, 11:52 AM
Ellen, Absolutely anxiety can cause what you describe!! Have the docs offered any meds like fluoxetine or maybe lyrica? Seems like a version of GAD(Generalized Anxiety Disorder) centered on health. PM me any time,. Alankay.

02-20-2012, 12:05 PM
thank you so so so so much! That is reassuring that someone else has been throuhgh the same as me, thats great help, thanks again!!:D. x

02-20-2012, 12:06 PM
thanks for the reply! I appreciate it! Yeh i sure will pm you!

02-20-2012, 01:22 PM
ellen, im sure you dont have a brain tumor. i am nooo doctor but my best friend had these same symptoms and too thought she had a brain tumor. she didnt. has anyone close to you passed away from cancer or anything? only reason why i ask is because her mother passed away from cancer and since her mom passed she started getting these symptoms and thoughts. feel free too pm me whenever you like.

02-21-2012, 04:07 PM
no, my uncle does have terminal bowel cancer, but that for some reason isnt what is getting to me, today i have been way more relaxed and most of my symptoms have calmed down a bit, however i am still getting nausea, dizziness and weird pains in my legs, arms and fingers!!:/ thanks for the reply!!

02-22-2012, 01:17 PM
Hey girl. I had fallen in the same trap almost 3 years years ago. DO NOT WORRY ;).

The thing is that your anxiety and over-attention about your health creates all these. I remember I used to check random pages on internet about brain tumour symptoms, and compared to mine. Believe it or not I had none of them in the beginning but during the curse of 3-4 months I developed them all. What bothered me most was chronic nausea/stomach pain. And there was one missing symptom of brain tumour, breathing difficulties...I had to develop it. And guess what, I did, and I still have this 'hyperventilation' from time to time, especially when I'm hyperactive(This is the last thing I need to completely kick off). The other symptoms are gone. They were gone as soon as I gradually understood it was anxiety. But I wish there was somebody right in the beginning to enlighten me! So do not do the same mistake, you're fine ;)

Take care

02-23-2012, 11:50 AM
Thats very reassuring thanks!:)

06-03-2012, 03:51 AM
Hey Ellen,

I hope you are feeling better now !

I am Simranjeet (27 M) from India. I am a brain tumor (acoustic neuroma) patient from the last 4 years, completely treated now. The people here on the thread are doing very nice work to pep u up and feel better. I am also writing to do the same, however my advice is quite different. First please don't worry..everything will be fine.

The symptoms explained by you in the first post, are actually related to the same problem i had (acoustic neuroma). The hearing sounds (tinnitus, sound like an electric wave or like a lizard etc.), Pain in the back of the eyes, balancing problems, nausea, facial numbness etc. My suggestion is please please please don't ignore anything and get the diagnosis done asap.

It could be possible that you might not be suffering from tumor. But waiting will only get the situation to worse. I pray to god that are not suffering from this or any other illness. But god forbid if there is some prb, then there are variety of treatments (e.g., gamma knife surgery, a non-invasive method) available to cure this. and everything will get fine

Overall, My BIGGEST suggestion is get the diagnosis done asap, feel confident and believe that you'll come out of this situation. Please feel free, if you need to talk/discuss regarding anything related to this issue

Best Regards,
Simran :)

06-03-2012, 04:35 AM
I think there's a danger with forums that although people try to help... they are NOT doctors.

It could be anxiety but it may not. You need a proper diagnosis so go get that as soon as humanly possible.

06-04-2012, 07:36 AM
I know the thought of a terminal illness is very frightening but you really have to keep things in perspective and not worry yourself over nothing. If you're the type that is always looking for symptoms online then you need to stop doing that. Only a doctor can tell you what's going on and if it's nothing, it's nothing.