View Full Version : Dizzyness

Rich A
12-19-2006, 07:14 PM
Ive been on Citalopram for exactly 2 weeks now,,I ve been feeling really tired these past few days kind of like high on something,,,always yawning....Well today i went christmas shopping and the second store i went to,,,i walked in and walked around for a bit ,,i was feeling really dizzy and decided to leave i dont know if it was a panic attack,,cause i wasnt finding it hard to breath or had a fast heartbeat like i usually do when i have attacks,,,, it was more like reallyu dizzy and lost feeling
,,could this be a side effect and could it be that the medicine is starting to kick in?

01-09-2007, 06:46 AM
Both, but dont judge the medicine on its effects so far, it usually takes at least 6 weeks to have an effect.