View Full Version : Hello jessed03

02-15-2012, 01:07 AM
I am sorry to contact you by sending a new thread. I feel such an idiot as apparently I am the only one on this forum who is unable to reply to a thread (technically) even though I am logged in. The most frustrating thing is the total silence from the administrator. I can feel that I have a need to communicate with someone. Probably because I have bottled everything up for years. As I wrote earlier I do not get much help from my family. Some understanding or accept would be enough but
after reading some replies I realise that this has to be my battle and the less I expect sympathy and understanding the better.
Your replies have helped me greatly. They are more worth than a session at a shrink. You seem to have an awful lot of knowledge about this illness and you bother sharing it with others. It is not just "get a therapist and some counselling" but real answers which make you think. I have tried a few terapists and it did not work out. It is difficult to find a good one, very expensive and might take a long time. As you know some of us need some answers here and now. I have read tons of selfhelp books and it is all so true what is written in them but when you cannot put the good advice into practice they are useless. I have gotten rid of them all (pity I could not sell them but I live in an non english speaking country) as reading all this stuff make me also more self absorbed and then I feel guilty about that and then and then....The last few years I have tried everything possible. From books to mindfulness etc. If nothing seems to make a real difference you get all discouraged. As it says in one thread maybe it is time to take responsibilty for ones thoughts and not chasing easy cures.
In one of your replies to someone you suggested that you had more material about the ego. If it is not too much trouble could you send it to me? I will not be able to answer back.
Thanks a lot.

02-15-2012, 12:49 PM
It's ironic that the thread is about ego... as having my own thread just sent mine through the roof :)

Just kidding. I see those tech whizzes Alan and Kev gave you some advice on the computer issue, did it manage to help things?

I'll send you a PM, with my email link, and if you want, you can reply to it, and I'll send you some good material that I've read over the past couple of years.

All the best!

02-16-2012, 08:54 PM
Hey Jessed, would you mind sending me a PM as well?