View Full Version : Me again..sorry but another question about klonopin. Still so new to this.

JaneDoe :D
02-10-2012, 08:29 PM
Has anyone ever experienced a severe anxiety attack while on Klonopin, calmed down and went to sleep, and woke up the next morning still feeling chest pains, even once the panic and emotional distress has abated?

When my doctor first prescribed me the klonopin two weeks ago, he mentioned that he was starting me on a low dose and that we would have to play everything by ear and adjust dosage as necessary. After googling the daylights out of Klonopin dosing information, it appears that my current dosage (.5mg every twelve hours) seems to be the standard and even on the high side?

After my massive emotional/anxiety issue last night (when I did actually take an extra half pill), I woke up this morning with good feelings and intentions but the good old chest pain/extremity pain was back. However, i had no anxious feelings or issues. I feel so calm but just very uncomfortalbe; like my chest took a beating last night. I took my doctors advice (I called earlier about this) and took my am pill, took half a pill (.25) six hours later, and took my nighttime pill already. I feel incredibly calmer and have NOT suffered any anxiety attacks today so I am feeling quite optimistic that this might just be the combination I need right now--but the chest pain and shallow breaths are still lingering--not too bad, but enough to cause my mind to start it's typical downward spiral into panic. I just want to know if anyone else has had a similar situation--doing well on klonopin, having a really emotionally bad day, and taking longer than usual to get back to normal the next day or so? Can a serious meltdown (I was crying hysterically last night for emotional reasons first, then it led to an anxiety attack), take a couple of days to heal from, even on klonopin? Or should I be right back to normal today?

The chest pain is remaining in one spot (right side), radiating downward into my arm and ribcage, and has been hurting nonstop today (but I know it's not a heart issue because this is nothing new to me). I plan on calling my doctor tomorrow to discuss this but the last thing I want is to be put on anything else or more of the same as it is.

To Alankay (I wanted to pm you but it said that less than 10 posts disqualified any pm's except to staff?), I read more about SSRI's and on one hand, I see a need for it in my life right now, but on the other hand, I am generally a very emotionally stable person. I will concede that I am suffering from depression but I am seeing it as entirely situational. I moved away from my family with my three children, to a town I don't know, in a completely unsupportive relationship (he suffers from depression and has been on meds in the past and just ignores me most of the time), and I feel trapped and stuck here. So of course I am ridiculously unhappy with my life, want to move back home, etc., but am stuck here because I just bought this house and can't get another (I will never, ever rent again). So I wonder if an SSRI for a situational type of depression is appropriate? Or maybe I am just in denial (as I had been over anxiety disorder for the past year) and I do need to treat this as clinical depression as well.

I am so sorry for being so longwinded but being officially diagnosed and medicated for a psychological issue has really just turned my life upside down. Anger, shame, denial, sadness...etc etc etc. I just feel lost and scared and confused.

02-24-2012, 07:32 AM
Jane, the klonopin dose is very low at .5mg and starting an ssri can cause a temp. bump up in anxiety. Get an OK to up the dose of klonopin(1mg? before bed if you're having sleep issues) and tweak the dose from there. You may even take 1/2 dose of the ssri for a week or two and then go to full dose as rx'ed to lower side effects.
Patient respond differently to meds so the doc gave you a "safe bet" dose at .5mg which is prudent. Alankay

02-24-2012, 10:24 AM
k-pins are a no no. my doctor put me on them for a year. i wanted to try anything to make me feel better. i would have crippling panic attacks. i couldnt do anything. but when i started k-pins my anxiety went out the window. for about six months i was taking them as i was supposed too. then all of a sudden my anxiety came back full force with no relief to 1 mgs of k-pins, so i started taking more. i myself upped my dosage which is a huge no no. i found myself addicted and i would take em when i was anxious and i would stay up all night in a fog. i couldnt feel anything and liked it. about a yr after i started taking them my doctor completely took me off of them, she didnt wean me off. i detoxed by myself which is very dangerous. but i didnt want my family ad friends to know what was really going on. i was an addict and ashamed. my family watched me suffer. my anxiety has been sooooooo over the top and awful. i have been sober since sept 4th 2011. i told my family about my problem 3 weeks after i stopped them. they wanted me to go to a program but i knew i was strong enough to do it myself. and i did. please dont take this medicine. detoxing is horrible.

02-24-2012, 11:27 AM
We all don't have the same results/experience with benzos or other meds. The key is working with the docs and using them sparingly/as rx'ed. Never assume the course of your anxiety and treatment including results with meds are the same you as another person. Dangerous to advise from you own personal history. Many folks with no substance abuse tendencies can and do use benzos(I do) like klonopin long term without issues while others indeed can have problems but the doc needs to manage the meds right and advise/monitor that. If not done right, yep, it can cause an issue with some but many others will benefit. There are no absolutes in anxiety management/treatment.
Jane, work with your doc on meds management and never take my advise or any others above his. Alankay.

02-24-2012, 11:37 AM
i have never had a problem with substance abuse. i dont drink or do any drugs. i wont write any of my experiences on here again. now i feel stupid. i was just trying to help

02-24-2012, 11:46 AM
Didn't mean it that way. At all. Believe me some folks get terrified on top of the anxiety they already feel if med warning/cautions are on the strong side. I'm sorry I just meant it more "generically" I guess. Wasn't thinking enough maybe as I was online with other pages type writing away. No doubt caution is definitely needed.
I mean that most of the time issues are more common with folks of substance abuse in general only. I also took too much for a while but my doc caught and made sure I used them properly. I was upset I felt I did something wrong but he said it was common and why he needed to keep an eye on that and jump right on it when he notices so much being asked for so I have an idea where your coming from. Just took me a bout 2 weeks to taper off and settle in to a real "as needed" mode. Again, sorry. Not mean the way it written as I reread it. :( Alankay.

02-24-2012, 11:52 AM
its fine i guess im too sensitive

02-24-2012, 12:03 PM
that is great that your havent had any in a long time. im still struggling with it at times. i tried to hurt myself after the second day of detoxing. i wanted to die. i felt like i was crawling out of my own skin. i couldnt eat a thing. the only thing i could do was smoke cigs all day and night. not move or talk to anyone. thank you for your response i really feel pathetic for what i had said before... ugh

02-24-2012, 12:42 PM
Guys, I don't mean not to share experiences/opinions, etc, no way. I just never say a given med is a no no. That's what I'm saying. In fact depending on the exact circumstances klonopin may be a no no. In other situations another benzo or med is right. In still some other circumstances a benzo/klonopin is a yes yes. Just no one thing is ever absolute.
I am just very aware of that some folks in an acutely anxious state are very scared and can be easily made even more so. I saw in another forum a guy who was going to try paxil as rx'ed for a while and another poster related "stories" he heard of horrors from paxil so the guy didn't take it. As time and suffering went on his doc finally got his start it and in time it was just what he needed. We just have to be careful when another poster is in a bad state to answer carefully not to scare them. Believe me it can happen.
I always tell folks to get ideas OK'ed and just offer suggestions to ask about unless they specifically say they "can't get to talk to a doc right now is it safe to"......for example and I'll give my opinion. With caution not make them more anxious accidentally.
I still struggle at times and am sorry if I kind of lectured. I wish we could hear what I saying as I said/wrote it to myself instead of just the text. It would have been understood better.:) Alankay

02-26-2012, 10:17 PM
Just to add my two cents here, I am on klonpin too and I am trying to take it as needed. But in all my years I have learned that just because it works for me doesnt mean it will work for you. My parents and I have tried the same meds. We are close in chemistry but I got sick when my mom did fine. Do what works for you and if your worried about a chemical dependency then talk with your doctor about a less addictive drug. me personally I am transfering all my medical help to the university of iowa hospital for better help. Sometimes its the drugs that are doing more harm. But just remember your medication is for YOU and how you act on it is you acting on it and no one else. If that makes any sense. Dont fear a drug because it didnt work for someone else, fear it only if you have been on it and know what bad things it does to you. Yah need to keep an open mind the best you can otherwise your working against yourself.

03-13-2012, 10:53 AM
i take clonazepam (or klonopin) to control my epilepsy but, recently my dose has been uped to deal with anxiety. i do hope it works and i do wish you well...it took me awhile to get used to the drug but, not its great!