View Full Version : Help needed

12-14-2006, 04:28 AM
I really need some advice. My father seems to be suffering from Anxiety although we are still waiting for a definitive diagnosis. He gets obsessed by trivial matters and can't get them out of his head. He also gets everyone involved in this. He keeps trying tablets but nothing seems to work.
My mother is in her 60's and has a high pressure job working from home. My father only works sporadically. My father is pestering my mother constantly and because my mother is working from home she has no escape. We try to encourage my father to sit in a different room or leave the house but he refuses to do this. He doesn't see that he has a problem. Because of the constant pressure my mother occasionally feels unwell and I am worried about my her health.
Can anyone suggest anything to make both of their lives easier?

12-14-2006, 06:04 AM
It is a difficult situation, trying to convince someone they have problems that need fixing.....I know when I'm having a bad anxiety day I oftentimes go inside my own head and am not aware that I am exhibiting my anxious behavior...it's even difficult for us to see it and we do realize we have anxiety. It's just hard to think about it from an external perspective...at least that's how I feel about it. After days of thinking "what's wrong with me"! or someone else pointing it out, only then will I see that my anxiety is back.

Maybe you can just keep talking and trying to open the lines of communication for your dad. Maybe you can attain some reading material for him...does he do any reading? Maybe you can talk to his doctor...it's hard to say since we do not know his personality....I know my dad would not even be open to the possibility of something like this as he thinks anxiety is a "mental" problem and he does not like doctors, etc.

Tough to deal with I imagine.

Is there any way your mom can work outside the home somewhat? Visit the library and do some of her work there? Can she convince your dad that she needs alone time and shut her door with a sign on it saying DO NOT DISTURB??

What type of anxiety do you think your dad has? Can you share additional behavior/symptoms? Does he go out much? Maybe the family can work together to get him out of the house and maybe involved in other activities/hobbies....

Keep posting here and give additional information. I'm sure someone here can offer tips/suggestions to help you with this.


I know it's difficult to deal with and i'm sure your Dad feels out of control and probably does not know why.