View Full Version : Fear of Schizophrenia, Derealization, Anxiety

02-08-2012, 04:11 PM
all started when i smoked pot and had a terrible experience and panick attack.
the next day i had derealization until now. it goes and come but it is still there all the time.. one day, searching on internet, i found something about schizophrenia and i got really scared of it.. i convinced myself i have it or i will get it someday (cause of smoking pot) anyway i dont get any of the symptoms. When i doubt if i have or not, i start searching on google until i find relief but the next day the cycle restart again... :(
For the past 2 weeks i felt really better cause i was busy all the time with friends and school, but today i watched a film called DONNIE DARKO and i got scared of schizoprenia again. The question that trigger all the cycle is: What if someday i get Schizophrenia?
..Im 16 years old and those are my symptoms:
-depresonalization (sometimes)
-Disturbing thoughts
-Fear of losing control
-Blurred vision
All those symptoms are increased when i go out.

02-08-2012, 04:22 PM
Hey & Welcome! Yeah sounds exatcly what I'm having at the moment. anxiety, I tend to do the same, search and search and worry myself about something its horrible. Feel fine for a few days then it just starts again. You just had a bad trip and it'l go away in time & with ofcourse help and change to a better life style.

The mind seeks reassurance from what i've been told and research, you are not crazy!

02-08-2012, 04:53 PM
Bamba, you are just anxious. The pot just allowed anxiety to surface perhaps earlier than if you'd not smoked. If I got high I'd get anxious too......used to anyway. All the things you listed are anxiety related. Also the fact that when distracted/busy feel better makes me even more certain is alll anxiety. If you can't get calmed down go talk to a counselor. That's my advise anyway. Alankay.

02-08-2012, 04:59 PM
Bamba, you are just anxious. The pot just allowed anxiety to surface perhaps earlier than if you'd not smoked. If I got high I'd get anxious too......used to anyway. All the things you listed are anxiety related. Also the fact that when distracted/busy feel better makes me even more certain is alll anxiety. If you can't get calmed down go talk to a counselor. That's my advise anyway. Alankay.

Oddly enough I feel exactly the same 'should of mentioned it in my thread' I'm fine when I'm busy...

Sorry to Hijack the thread! Hope you feel better :)