View Full Version : Dizziness, weakness, tensions ~24/7

02-08-2012, 07:24 AM

I'm really tired of this, dizziness, tensions, weakness all day long. Going out enjoying winter sports, doing cool stuff, but still can't enjoy it like before w'out anxiety, how u guys coping with those symptoms? Sometimes a smoke or a drink helps, but anyway.. Can't sit to PC more then 1h, can't enjoy outdoor, bad mood all the time, worrying about stupid things, i got some minor changes in my neck, doctors saying it's nothing u can do everthing but still thinking something very bad will happen to my neck. Don't know what to do.. Guess should fight back and do everything, going to ski in few hours, but stressed out, 1st time this year... Feared about what can happen there, and worrying, that i'm passing all my life, and not doing anything.

02-08-2012, 08:00 AM
Alot, taking any meds(ssri, etc) or any counseling?? Alankay

02-08-2012, 08:29 AM
Just started noofen250mg. Psychotherapy for 3 months. And some tinctures, teas... Holding on not-med theatment.

02-08-2012, 11:19 AM
Progressive muscle relaxation helped me a lot with tension. You know where you really tense each muscle group, before releasing. It took about a month, and I started to become amazed at the tension I was holding in my body 24/7. When you practice releasing of tension, you notice it in certain situations, and can relax it a lot more. If you aren't doing it, it could be worth a try, it only takes a few minutes. I still do it to this day, nightly :) I had a similar thing, except it was a dislocation of something in my throat, but I remember for months just barely moving my neck due to being apprehensive. It won't hurt to just go lightly and rebuild your confidence in it.

I wouldn't worry about passing your life away! I've never even gone skiing, you're getting out there! I know it's frustrating though.

Do you ever feel out of breath. Take a look at your breathing throughout the day. Is it noticeable? Can you see big movement's or hear it?

02-08-2012, 11:54 AM
Alot, taking any meds(ssri, etc) or any counseling?? Alankay

Sorry for the slight thread hi-jack. Alan, I sent you a PM, but it said you need to delete a few messages, as your inbox was full. You popular so-and-so :)

02-08-2012, 12:59 PM
OK.........will do

02-08-2012, 02:16 PM
Alot, maybe you can step up the counseling as finding the source(if there is a "source") will help you feel much better. Often we bury what is really bothering us which can cause anxiety. These things can be from the past even(abuse, etc) too. I trust your therapist went through your past and how the most important people in your life are doing(Mom, Dad, Siblings, Grandparents, etc)? Often if these folks have big issues it can effect us but we might not recognize how it can effect us. Think that over and examine your life and what might be bothering you.
If none of this is really the issue I would try and limit caffeine and alcohol, get some aerobic exercise and practice deep breathing exercise and progressive relaxation. Try some herbals like Valerian root, Kava kava, Passion flower, Skull cap, etc, and/or some chamomile teas(Sleepy Time teas). An antihistamine could be tried as they have calming effects.
You might also consider a visit to a doctor for perhaps a trial of an SSRI like zoloft which are used to treat anxiety. Maybe a 6 month trial to see how you benefit. He might suggest buspar as you seem to have a generalized type anxiety. Just some thoughts. PM me any time. Alankay.

02-08-2012, 03:04 PM
Thanks guys for answering, i will try to find something about progressive muscle relaxion, and yes i fell out of breath sometimes, not very often. Alan-we have found some of the sources with my therapist. Yes, you're right there is something with my parrents, my dad has pretty bad back problems and them putted him on the bed when i was 1Y.O. he's alot better now, but yes, for more then 15years he struggled periodly from back pains. And my psychotherapist say'd those fears putted me on the bed( 4month's) ago becouse they found (VERY VERY MINOR PROBLEMS) in my neck ( Doctors say'd allmost everyone has them.) But there was a habbit for me that, if something wrong with my spine then you should be in bed.. Figthing back pretty good now, i think but still getting very anxious when feeling anything in my neck.. And my dad also suffered alot from his dad ( my grandfather). Grandfather had sat for 10 years in prison and was very strict, my father had a very difficult childhood. Also my mom is very anxious person. And yes i think it seems i have generalized anxiety, felling anxious, for a long time, also had some minor symptoms back there(but they didn't interfere), but now... For 8 months already( Had 1st panic attack back there) started to worry about how i fell and then it started... Ahh by the way just back from skiing :D 1st time this winter, had alot of problems there, i think too much for me for the first time, also fell one time, was superscared if something happened, if i broked something, etc :D what heppened to my neck... I know its stupid, but yeah those thoughts arent letting me go, WHAT IF...There should be something... etc. Hope those thoughs wont bother me tonight want to sleep this night... :( Alan - How about smoking?? how much it affects anxiety ( smoking not more than 3cigs a day(White's)), not drinking cofe nor black tea(drinking water,chamomile tea mostly) . Also sorry for my english not from UK nor USA.

02-19-2012, 03:47 PM
I'm 21, Had social anxiety ever since I was a kid, no physical symptoms tho... The social anxiety is extremely strong with girls, I literally lost my breath and couldn't speak a word to girls who I liked. I remember my first date, I didn't speak a word for the first 30 minutes only muffled something, even tho it wasn't even a romantic date, we were just friends, but I liked her a lot. Since I was 17 or so I've had frequent episodes of panic attacks, usually in class.
But the real physical symptoms started last summer, look at my thread "More than anxiery? Help" to see a list of symptoms... I can tell you I was so freaked out by it all I was contemplating suicide, it was a total hell... I took AD's from August to December, and I felt completely normal from January until 3 days ago, when the dizziness hit me again.... I think it is somehow related to me drinking, because 3 days ago I drank alcohol for the first time since I started taking AD's... I'm feeling like shit right now, I was just hoping that I was getting over the anxiety but no... I guess that's just how I am, It is a part of my personality... Well I smoke a lot, I guess smoking helps a little bit.

02-20-2012, 05:57 AM
Allmost the same, but the some social problems only started some 2y. ago, had problems to meet new people, so i was pretty drunk everytime, to hide my shyness. Never tell'd everyone my problems, and those hard times to choose school and stuff, my anxiety just reached the top. Look'd at your thread, we got allmost the same symptoms,sorry to hear someone is experiencing this.. Smoked ~15 a day before 1st attack, then quit, now smoking only when i'm feeling very depressed, to get those thoughs out of my head. I don't think AD + alco can couse something like this, i know a guy who drinks even when on AD's, he said, you can't drink on pills, but if u take AD in the morning, evening u can drink. Who knows. Yes, yes, yes so hard to cope with this, the worst for me is that i'm afraid of traumas... Mentioned my fears, so tired of them..

02-20-2012, 07:33 AM
I'm not panicking yet tho, it's only been 3 days so there is high possibility that it will pass soon, but the more time that passes the worst it gets for me mentally...

I mean, I am able to do everything, but it feels really bad, I just cant enjoy myself like this.