View Full Version : question about ativan

02-02-2012, 07:14 AM
Sun when i went to the emergency room the doctor there gave me a prescription of 6 ativan. I have been taking one a day right before bed up until last night. Last night i took half of one. Well this morning (sry if tmi) i awaken with bad diarrhea and then about a hour later i vomited. Well im still having diarrhea. My question is, is this a side effect of the ativan? If so should i go to the dr about it? I dont think its the flu cause i dont have a sore, throat, cough, or runny nose. And im also having stomach pains, not like cramps, they are sharp then turn dull and its either right below where my ribs meet or to the left where my stomach is. Please help im worried :(

02-02-2012, 08:04 AM
Tinson, I doubt ativan is the cause. I'd say anxiety is the cause of the stomach issue. Anxiety often causes grief with the digestive tract. Taking the ativan at night should just be until you can talk with your family doc or other GP about your anxiety. Try to find a cause and reduce it. You can take some pepto bismol for now though to help with the stomach symptoms. Alankay.

02-04-2012, 07:35 PM
Im sooo tired, ive had a burning type of headache behind my left eye/temple all day but the intensity comes in waves. Ive also noticed my heart has been having sharp pains now and then today also. I took a benadryl a little over a hour ago i dont think its really helping like it did last night. Everytime i close my eyes i get worried im not breathing right its almost like im holding my breath without knowing it? Its kinda frightening. Now i cant seem to be able to close my eyes to try to sleep cause as soon as i do i feel instantly awake and worried abt the breathing and sharp heart pains.... i just want to go to sleep :(

02-04-2012, 07:49 PM
Do u think its possible to have anxiety be triggered by taking pills. Ive been trying to pay closer attention to my feelings/thoughts before i start feeling anxious and/or worried and im always so worried when it comes to taking pills and what im afraid the pills might do to me, like how they r gonna effect me. Do u think that, that could cause them to be ineffective unless it completely sedates me?

02-04-2012, 08:41 PM
Tinson, I think some folks are afraid of meds. I think it could cause some more anxiety in those who really have a problem with meds in general. I never wanted to take benzos but they do offer fast relief from anxiety and why they are still used. It could be that if the dose of ativan wasn't quite enough it might not help enough. If you have 1mg tab that should do it. The .5mg may be enough or not depending on the individual. It need not be enough to sedate. Just below sedation will be an anti-anxiety effect and what you want. Ativan is a fine med and has been around since the 70's. I used it for years ago and it sure worked for me. If that doesn't work another might be tried(klonopin, diazepam, etc).
Heart fears are a common concern with anxious people. It was with me. Thinking about all this all too much can lead to more anxiety.
Anyway the sooner you talk to someone about your anxiety the sooner you'll start to get better but it will take time. Alankay