View Full Version : Need some advice

02-01-2012, 09:57 PM
Im 21 and I only started having anxiety this past year. I used to be so social and outgoing. And recently my anxiety has gotten so bad. I lost job due to having Crohns Disease and being to sick to go to work everyday. I missed too many days. Having bad anxiety and being at home for a week straight made me terrified to leave the house to do anything. For the last month i have slowly been forcing myself to get out of the house and take baby steps like taking my dogs for a walk or go to the grocery store. But even doing those things i am usually panicking the whole time. I still cant drive with anyone or let anyone drive with me. I havent been able to go to out anywhere and hang out with friends or family. I dont know why i am so afraid. When i go somewhere my chest starts to get all tight and i get a lump in my throat that makes me feel like its hard to breathe. I start to feel lightheaded and like i am going to pass out. It doesnt help lately that i have a cold and have been feeling like crap. Its been a month now and i am still stuck in this house with a fear of leaving it. Please if anyone has any advice or has felt this way, i would greatly appreciate it. Im sick of feeling this way. I want to feel normal again. I want to be able to go to the movies and out to eat with my bf and friends.
