View Full Version : Klonopin and morning grogginess

02-01-2012, 07:19 AM
Hi--has anyone experienced this? Thanks.

02-01-2012, 09:42 AM
Star, dose night be a tad high. Take 1/2 the dose and I bet the grogginess will not be there. Like any med the dose must be tried and tailored to the individual. If this keeps up a shorter acting benzo(ativan) might be better but you should be able to make klonopin work fine for you. Try 1/2 the dose before bed and go from there. Alankay.

02-01-2012, 09:45 AM
Hi--has anyone experienced this? Thanks.

I get that and I only take .25mg! It does pass pretty quickly for me though. Is it new for you? I have had meds in the past that do this but I find with something like Klonopin which is effective for such a long time, it's wise to take it earlier in the evening than you would take, say, Xanaz or similar.

02-01-2012, 01:23 PM
Thank you both. I was recently put on Lexapro (this will be my 6th day on it) and it's also contributing to my fatigue. I just took 1/4 mg. --it's late afternoon here--will see how that goes.

02-01-2012, 01:26 PM
Also--I actually like Ativan and have both that and Klonopin but am using the Klonopin because I think it might cause less dependency. My doctor told me that at the dose I take, it wouldn't be a concern either way. Any thoughts?

02-01-2012, 01:43 PM
Star, I agree that the longer acting klonopin is slightly less likely to cause any dependency issues(I've used both benzos and am on lexapro too). But at that dose I think you're fine anyway with either. It's not a giant dose and really effective. In time the lexapro will likely cause you to perhaps decrease the klonopin. Ativan is shorter acting so less likely to cause next day drowsiness after sleep but taking a little less klonopin should help. Alankay.

02-01-2012, 02:08 PM
Star, I agree that the longer acting klonopin is slightly less likely to cause any dependency issues(I've used both benzos and am on lexapro too). But at that dose I think you're fine anyway with either. It's not a giant dose and really effective. In time the lexapro will likely cause you to perhaps decrease the klonopin. Ativan is shorter acting so less likely to cause next day drowsiness after sleep but taking a little less klonopin should help. Alankay.
Thanks so much, Alan. I'll see how this 1/4 MG does and then if necessary go back to the Avitan. I'm hoping the Lexapro will kick in soon--most side effects (I really didn't have many except mild nausea) are gone except the tiredness and sleep issues. How long did any side effects from the Lexapro last for you? My doctor told me to give it 2 weeks. I'm on 5MG, as I'm very sensitive to meds.

02-01-2012, 03:28 PM
Star, I changed from lexapro's brother(celexa) since that gave me sleep issues but I've no issues with lexapro. I started at 5mg too and am at 15 mgs now. I just slowly increased the dose from 5 to 10 and now 15mg with a few weeks between increases. Imay back down to 10 as 15 seems to be about the same results as 10 at this point. These need time to work all the way. Alankay.

02-01-2012, 04:07 PM
I had sleep issues with Celexa also, as well as with Buspar.

02-01-2012, 06:11 PM
Star, I changed from lexapro's brother(celexa) since that gave me sleep issues but I've no issues with lexapro. I started at 5mg too and am at 15 mgs now. I just slowly increased the dose from 5 to 10 and now 15mg with a few weeks between increases. Imay back down to 10 as 15 seems to be about the same results as 10 at this point. These need time to work all the way. Alankay.

Alan, did you experience side effects when you raised your dosage? I'm nervous about that. Thanks.

02-01-2012, 06:36 PM
Star, na. When I slowly increased the dose there was not much of anything to notice. Alankay

02-01-2012, 07:42 PM
Star, na. When I slowly increased the dose there was not much of anything to notice. Alankay

Good to know :)

02-02-2012, 11:34 AM
My 1/4 dose of Klonopin yesterday in the late afternoon didn't cause any grogginess this morning. However, I took a 1/2 early this morning and I swear when I've been taking it lately I feel more depressed. Last summer, I took it as needed with good results but now that I'm using it more often I seem to feel depressed. My main problem is anxiety--as diagnosed by my psychologist.

Can Klonopin cause depression? I don't think it's the Lexapro because I've noticed this before I started it.

Also, Alan, do you think it would be prudent to go from my current dose of 5mg of the Lexapro to 10 mg now after one week? My doctor had advised me to do so after 3 days but I've been reluctant to. The only side effect I have left is the tiredness. Thanks again.

02-02-2012, 12:23 PM
Star, I doubt the klonopin will cause any depression at that dose.
Yeah after a week it would be fine to go to 10mg of lexapro since a little tiredness will likely pass quickly. Also if lexapro makes you a bit tired after taking it, why not take it before bed every night? Just a thought. Alankay.

02-02-2012, 12:51 PM
Star, I doubt the klonopin will cause any depression at that dose.
Yeah after a week it would be fine to go to 10mg of lexapro since a little tiredness will likely pass quickly. Also if lexapro makes you a bit tired after taking it, why not take it before bed every night? Just a thought. Alankay.

Thanks--I take it about 4 hours before bedtime. Seems to work out well. Had insomnia the first night but it's gotten better.

I'm just impatient :)

02-02-2012, 01:06 PM
Star, cool. I'd hold steady at 10mg and see how that works out. It will take time to see the full benefit(a few weeks to a couple months). Then work with your doc on if that will be your maintenance dose or not. If you feel you need the klonopin less, fine. If not just work with your doc on how he recommends you use it.
I use valium every now and then and am thankful I have it for when needed. When you're feeling a bit better read up on anxiety so you understand it better, etc, which will help. PM me any time. Alankay.

02-02-2012, 02:36 PM
i tend to feel sick in the morning and i ache in my joints and feel just crappy i also suffer with aches and pains all through the day

02-02-2012, 02:37 PM
im not on meds btw