View Full Version : Anybody else deal with this.....

01-29-2012, 08:56 AM
Hello there. I am still really new to this website. Finding it helpful so far. Previously I have mentioned that my anxiety is mainly related to me being a hypochondriac. But here is an example of something else that gets me really anxious. Just wondering if anybody else has this problem.....

If somebody that I care about (usually a family member) goes out to the store, or says they are going out and will be back in an hour or so, etc....well...if two hours goes by and they aren't back yet, and they aren't answering their cell phone, I get very anxious. I start thinking that they have been involved in a fatal car crash, or something horrible has happened to them. I start sweating, and find it hard to concentrate on anything else. I keep calling their cell phone non-stop and don't feel at ease until they answer or until they return...Arghhh!!! This is no way to live!

Anybody else like this?

01-29-2012, 10:20 AM
Yes, I have the same thing. I don't know what causes it, but I am like that with my wife, if I'm at work and call her and she doesn't answer I flip, I will even call friends and ask them to keep trying her and let me know when they reach er, also I will do the same thing if she's ot and it seems like she's been gone too long, believe me you are not the only one.

01-29-2012, 10:24 AM
Yeah the "what if thinking" and anxious mindset fuels this emotion I think. At some level you're anxious and it will find a way to come out. That's what matters. It would come out another way in time if folks never left the house. That's vital to understand.
Are you getting treatment meds or counseling or better both?? It might be that your mind is anticipating them not coming back. Kind of anticipatory anxiety. Once folks get back it fades quickly. Alankay.

01-29-2012, 12:21 PM
Not taking any medication, and would like to try keeping it that way if possible. Started counseling recently so hoping that it will be helpful. Frustrating....yesterday I felt great! The best that I have felt in a long time. Then had a real tough time sleeping last night. Kept waking up with tingling in my head. Went shopping today and was feeling really anxious to get back home! This is bizarre. This is all new to me. Pretty certain that it is all due to built up stress and PTSD. Here's hoping that tomorrow is better!