View Full Version : Massive anxiety and obsessed with dying..

01-27-2012, 06:55 PM
I am 25 years old, diagnosed with lupus at 18.I have been on blood thinners and 40mg fluoxetine for six years. Stopped taking my prozac about six months ago because i thought i was 'fixed'. A week and a half ago i stopped using tobacco, marijuana, booze and caffene all at once cold turkey on top of being stressed. As of a week ago my thoughts started to worry me. Aside from being emotional, I think every time i go to sleep, i wont wake up. If my heart rate increses, i think i am going into cardiac arrest. I feel like every new pain i have, is something wrong with my body and is going to kill me. I can't enjoy my life at all. I am obsessed with my thoughts. Today is my fifth day back on fluoxetine, hoping things will get better. Are these normal thoughts given the circumstances? Is this what happens when fluoxetine is stopped?

01-27-2012, 09:13 PM
Ry, fluoxetine with it's loooong half live shouldn't be a big problem to stop. But now on top of stopping all the other stuff, you need to restart the fluoxetine which can cause a temp increase in anxiety, etc(any SSRI can). So I would say I'm not surprised you're feeling like you are. My advise is to stay on the fluoxetine and stay off all else(you can have a cup of coffee in the AM). You may even want to resume fluoxetine at 20mg/day for a couple weeks or so then step up to 40 mg again. I predict feeling as you were(very good), you will again feel well in time. This will take some time. Remember, it's not the stopping fluoxetine, it's anxiety/depression returning because of it's absence. PM me any time. Alankay.