View Full Version : does anyone experience severe skin allergy????

01-27-2012, 05:11 PM
since i started to feel that i have an anxiety disorder this skin allergy never cure...

dermatologist said that it is ECZEMA,,,

hope for your reply guys.... im so worried and ashame with my right palm....

01-27-2012, 05:17 PM
How are the basic things in your life Louie? Are you drinking enough fluids and eating your 3 meals? We can get deficinent with anxiety, and it can mess up our routine, causing us to be vulnerable to things like this.

I have eczema outbreaks occasionally. I guess they do sometimes come with stress, but I've never been able to make a link, so maybe there isn't one, in my case at least.

How is your stomach, do you have any problems with it? It could be something you're eating that is worsening your anxiety and eczema, but this is by no means always the case.

I'm not sure where you live, but it's winter at the moment in the Northern Hemisphere, it's cold and dry, and many people have their skin conditions aggravated by it.

Aloe Vera gel worked really well for me. It's cheap too. How long has it gone on for? Sadly eczema can be incurable, it doesn't mean it can't be treated, and reduced, but to tell the truth, medicine knows little about it, and unless they can treat it with a pill or cream, they couldn't care less either most of the time.

01-28-2012, 04:42 AM
thanks for reply... im from philippines and i suffer from anxiety for over 6 years... but i discover it last 2years,,, im always at the E.R and after that they send me home because doctor said im fine.. there was one time doctor said to me to visit to a psychiatris... there he gave me Xanor... and it helps a lot... but still if i dont have the medicine i feel anxious and afraid... i think it affects my job,,,

i eat regulary 3meals a day... and honestly im a heavy alcohol drinker.. but since i felt anxious i already limit alcohol...

is there any advice that you can give me.. how to overcome my fear.. and i think im sick... i had this headache,chestpain,dizziness,heart palpitation... stomach discomfort... everything i felt im afraid...

hope you can help me guys... i think im about to give up in life...

01-28-2012, 07:41 AM
Louie, I think a visit to a psychiatrist would be best. He can get you started on properly treating your anxiety if the GP's/Family Doctors over there are not getting better results for you. In addition to healthier lifestyle habits he/she will perhaps get you started on an SSRI(zoloft, etc) which will not effect your job(if drowsiness is what xanor(xanax) gives you). If it makes you sleepy, take a lower dose. You should also read up on anxiety just to educate yourself so you understand it better. In time with an SSRI you might lower your anxiety to the point where you need to use the xanor just once in a while. All the symptoms you mention("headache,chestpain,dizziness,heart palpitation... stomach discomfort... everything i felt im afraid...
") are from high anxiety. I'd see a psychiatrist and get help getting your anxiety under better control. Message me any time and hang in there. Alankay.

01-28-2012, 05:42 PM
thanks... bro... i hope ill be better soon... maybe you can help me understand anxiety.. so that i won't worry a lot...

01-28-2012, 08:14 PM
Louie, below is a decent page on anxiety.

01-30-2012, 08:41 AM
Anxiety/ stress was said to be the cause of hives that were so severe they were the size of golfballs to peas all over my body, even unmentionable places, topical creams seemed to make them worse, steroids just made me hungry, and anxiety meds did nothing, eventually they went away but occassionally present again, my philosophy is that your body can present stress even if your mind doesn't perceive it. Find your 'happy place' and give yourself over to it at least 30 min a day, whether it be meditation, yoga, reading, cleaning, gardening, or for me, my dogs, to just wash it all away for a few minutes. Can't say as it will help you, but it puts a smile on my face at least once a day to play with my dogs.
ps: have you tried udder cream or crack cream? when my grandfather was bedridden after a sever stroke, we used that on his skin, not only keeping it supple but prevented bed sores as well.

just throwing stuff out there, hope you find something that works!

01-30-2012, 01:05 PM
I suffer from a similar disorder- psoriasis and even though it's unfortunately uncomfortable, it's really nothing to be ashamed about. Usually creams will do the trick to keep them in check, though it does get a bit worse in the winter.
Best of luck!