View Full Version : Lucid nightmares after stop with Paroxetine

01-24-2012, 09:03 AM
Hello guys, my english is not good but I'm gonna try to do my best

I've been taking Paroxetine for 4 months to treat social phobia, anxiety and OCD. I've stopped like a month ago but I'm still having horrible dreams (side effect), everyday I wake up really sad.

How long it takes to stop?

Thank you.

01-24-2012, 12:10 PM
Luiz, depends on the dose you were on and.... you. I would resume it at a low dose(just enough for the symptoms to lessen). Then slowly taper down the dosage over a month or two(longer even if needed). That way you stop the med properly and have far fewer problems. Alankay.

01-24-2012, 01:44 PM
Luiz, depends on the dose you were on and.... you. I would resume it at a low dose(just enough for the symptoms to lessen). Then slowly taper down the dosage over a month or two(longer even if needed). That way you stop the med properly and have far fewer problems. Alankay.

I was taking 20 mg then I stopped it abruptly, the nightmares was caused by the medication not by the abrupt stop so if I start taking it again It will probably get worse ):

01-24-2012, 01:50 PM
Luiz, if it was tablets just take 1/2 for a few weeks and see how you feel. Then stop or break a couple into quarters(as best as you can) and take the 1/4's for a week or so. The stop the med. Alankay.