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01-19-2012, 10:41 AM
My name is Chad and I have suffered from OCD and anxiety since I was 7. The having to check things locks etc.Random panic attacks and constant worry of harmless stuff. However starting about 4 yrs ago I would start getting panic attacks while driving alone or being alone. I didnt pay much attention to it at first until it started more and more. The weird thing is I can go almost anywhere as long as a friend is with me. Unless its in the middle of no where with nothing near by for miles. I can drive by myself forabout 1/2 mile then the panic attacks set in. I guess maybe the anxiety disorder and OCD have progressed to this phobia? I have tried SSri meds in the past most offered no relief. Which brings up another point. Its hard for me to start meds because Soon as I feel side affects that launches a major panic attack. So sometimes I try to avoid new meds etc. I can say one thing all of this leaves me so tired. My interest levels are way down. I feel trapped. Mornings are the worst the constant feel of doom and gloom . Thanks for any input.

01-19-2012, 06:44 PM
Yeah SSRI's can be started at half dose(or even lower) and gradually increased to avoid the possible side effect of increased anxiety. They often use luvox for OCD but it needs to be dosed right. Usually high but if the increase is gradual, it may work out better. TCA's(imipramaine, etc) are also used when SSRI's fail. But again often the SSRI dose must be on the high side. Try at least 2 SSRI's before a TCA. If luvox failed even at higher doses try fluoxetine and slowly build from 10mg for a few weeks to 20mg, 30mg and may be 40mg over time. I like fluoxetine for panic. Helped me. Ask you doc about this strategy. Alankay.