View Full Version : "Homesickness" and wanting to travel

01-18-2012, 07:09 PM
Firstly, I've not posted here for a while, which I think is quite good because it means I've either had no major worries or I've been able to sort them out myself. And even now I think I'm just wondering if anyone else has experienced this, as opposed to it being an actual worry at the moment.

The thread title isn't what you might think it is. Basically, I seem to have a simultaneous longing to travel places AND homesickness.

So when I'm at home, I want to go places, but when I do go places - even for a day - I want to go home. Now, this has got me stumped, because I don't know how the two things can go together - either I should be someone who wants to travel, or someone who wants to be at home - not both.

Has anyone else experienced this, or at least have an idea as to an explanation?

Sunny Days
01-19-2012, 06:18 AM
Hi there,

I have this too! I really want to travel, I'd love to be able to go to new places and see new things. However, whenever I go too far from home I want to be home also. I'm certain my issue is more anxiety of being away from whats familiar. It's the same thing as wanting to sit closest to an exit, wanting to know where the bathrooms are and where the nearest hospitals are. I think it's all just a part of anxiety. We have made home our "safe place" in our minds. I guess it could be a mild form of agoraphobia for me. Maybe yours isn't the same though...

01-19-2012, 05:28 PM
I completely agree with Sunny Days! I long to travel...the guy I date J just left for Indonesia a couple weeks ago and not only do I miss him so much, I could probably be with him. IF and IF I could leave home. I can go about 1 hour without getting major nerves. I can go further of course its uncomfortable, until Im there for a little while. Its so hard to want one thing and it be so debilitating. I will just finish by saying Im with ya on this one. We have to figure out the best way to trick our minds into being rational. They just fight and fight but we all know we'd be ok if we left!

01-19-2012, 05:55 PM
I have the same issue and it is probably the worst thing about my anxiety!

A couple of year ago, my husband and I had booked a trip to Mexico for just him and I and I got myself all excited to go, talked about it with family but when it got to the time when we had to go, I didn't want to go.

Also when we travel to the in-laws, which is 2 1/2 hours away I want to go and I know how bad the kids want to go and we eventually get there, but I think because I had a panic attack while driving with the kids, I just fear having another one while going again. It isn't so bad when I am actually up there. It's just getting there. If it is longer than a few days, I do get homesick and am ready to get home.

:( I hate it. I wish I could get my mind right.

We are going up there again next weekend, so I am hoping I can get through it.