View Full Version : Why?

01-18-2012, 12:44 PM
i might be bein naive wanting a plain and simple answer but WHY does anxiety cause you to get pains where your heart is , WHY does it cause you to get pains in your left arm and WHY does it cause you to be feeling like you need to catch your breath by taking like gulps through your mouth? i am not being ignorant i do read alot of posts on the forum and find the info very useful and a help but im just totally fed up with this and an answer to my questions from somebody plain and simple would be much appreciated . thanks

Sunny Days
01-19-2012, 06:26 AM
I agree with what kev said. It is because we are always tense. We are always trying to prevent bad things from happening and the mind is signaling to the body that it needs to stay "on guard". What we have to do is retrain the mind to stay in the moment. Anxiety is all a part of worrying about the past, or the future. If you are having a tight feeling in your chest, you are probably obsessing (like I do) about what it *could* be. Therefore you are living in the future. We have to realize and teach ourselves that worrying is useless. It solves nothing. If something bad were to happen (and the majority of the time it wont), all that worrying and freaking out will not prevent it or stop it.

I have some GI issues (from always being nervous I believe), and lately it's been bad acid reflux. I feel the acid coming up my esophagus and into my throat...but it get's me almost every time. When I feel the burn/uncomfortable feeling in my chest it makes me all nervous and I have to remind myself it's the acid reflux.