View Full Version : Fear of devolping schizophrenia

01-05-2012, 04:57 PM
hey everyone im here to share my story cause i feel like i need to be re assured that i dont have it or if i do.
My anxiety all started with when i did marijuana and i had a panic attack and since then i have felt bit out of it. Everything felt like it sped up my heart rate was crazy and was heaps worried i was going to pass out. anyway i moved past that and thought it was me just OD. the following week at school i was told that you can get schizophrenia from having weed just once then it hit me WHAT IF I HAVE IT. then the same feeling came along and i had no idea that it was a panic attack thought i was just losing it. i get home and research about what it couldve been figured out it was a panic attack and was like phew but still schizophrenia worried me and this was like 7 months ago. i researched it saw the symptoms and it didnt match but i still was extremely worried after long study i have learned schizophrenia CAN occur if you where going to get it in life anyway and you have a big family history of it and i dont at all.since this fear i have been worrying about was haunting me for months i have being to a counsler and he helped me alot but now that i have stopped going to him it slowy creeped up on me and then i worried about it and i have had night terrors during this and atm i feel down so tired all the time and not depressed but not happy and i am hearing voices while falling asleep and this morning i heard a voice when i just woke up but i was kinda dreaming i was on a huge boat and it was sinking and someone at the back yelled somthing and then my mum dropped a pan which i think woke me up and i got heaps anxious because of that. i havnt taken any other drugs other from weed and i havnt touched it since that day though i do have a few drinks here and their on special occasions. i also feel detached and its just cloudy i know its depersonaltalion but it just doesnt help with my condition. I used to be so happy and worried about a thing and i just want to go back to that old me so badly... i am 16 years old btw and before having the weed i was already anxious about a few things but no where near as bad thanks guys

01-05-2012, 04:59 PM
btw i have been told from the the counsler and doctor and family that i 100% dont have it and that if i did they would notice first

01-05-2012, 05:48 PM
No, you are just anxious. You're worried and scared. The odds of pot causing schizo disorder is......well not very high(get it). Maybe years of heavy LSD use but...a bit of pot. Nah.
Now the suggestion of that can exacerbate anxiety indeed. I used to smoke pot as a teen and eventually got anxious on it but it was ANXIETY coming through(I learned later) as my friends continued to smoke and be free of anxiety and any other disorder. If you were schizoid, you would not be at this is forum(no very likely). Yes. Sometimes anxiety can go along with that but you sure sound what is just a textbook case of anxiety. Why? All the words/phrase you used fit 100%. "Worried, extremely worried, "what if", high heart rate, heaps anxious". You are just anxious. Your counselor would have picked up on anything like what you're scared of but he didn't. He saw an anxious teen.
Now what to do? If the counselor and you found no reason for you to be anxious(abuse/trauma/psychological conflict, etc) you should see your GP and tell him how you feel. No he won't tell your folks. Pot just allowed anxiety to show a little when it was there all along and set this all in motion. Voices coming out of a dream. Ahh. We all have weird dreams(dream by definition can be veery weird). You are just anxious and it's manifesting itself through this fear as opposed to another fear. It's a kind of health fear that's so common. See your doc if it continues and message me any time. Alankay.

01-05-2012, 06:33 PM
Firstly, marijuana doesnt give you schizophrenia although that is the message that is commonly pushed. Unless you actually have a predisposition to schizophrenia you can punch 50,000 cones a day and you wont just get it out of the blue. It can only occur if you have a predisposition. That said, marijuana is bad for you and dont do it!

The other thing that is important to remember, crazy people dont know they are crazy. :) To them it seems perfectly normal. It sounds like have just taken something you have heard and turned it to a fear...something we have probably all been guilty of at some point!

01-05-2012, 06:59 PM
I was told that you can get schizophrenia from having weed just once then it hit me WHAT IF I HAVE IT.

I guess all of Jamaica and every hippy from the 60s, every rock star, musician, every cancer patient using medical marijuana, and hmm, well, 90% of Americans under 50 would be schizophrenic then.

Pot is not bad for you unless you are a chronic user. Don't worry! When you are high though, it can cause some people to get paranoid and have a panic attack. Sometimes it makes people relaxed and once in a while panic. Some people it only makes them feel good. Everyone is different. But if you get really stoned and you get scared and then panic, it may feel like you are going schizo but basically, you're just stoned and then you got scared. It isn't some crazy drug that sends you to the ER from overdosing or anything. It just can trigger panic in some people.

Panic attacks in general can feel like you are losing your mind. Nobody ever goes crazy from anxiety.

Actually I know a guy who is a true diagnosed schizophrenic. He takes medication and is a really cool guy and leads a normal life.

01-05-2012, 09:43 PM
thanks heaps everyone means alot but today i was out with mates and then i heard a laughter but i dont know wether it was the radio and the song just ended or people outside things like this scare me alot, if i had schizophrenia would i hear quick little noises or people talking to me? thanks

01-05-2012, 09:50 PM
I don't think you'd know to be scared, etc. You'd just have a conversation and wouldn't know or think anything of it. You're are anxious first and last. Anxious about this concern/fear and that''s it. Alankay

01-05-2012, 09:52 PM
hey kev i am having symptoms like heaps tired all the time, feel out of it, i think i may here the occasianal sounds which makes me scared, dizzy alot of the time trouble sleep but just a quick question is it possible to have schizophrenia and a anxiety disorder? thanks

01-05-2012, 09:53 PM
ohk thanks heaps alankay

01-06-2012, 02:30 AM
The biggest problem I see, Dudeman, is your poor grammar and too many run on sentences.

01-06-2012, 03:29 AM
Thanks heaps forwell means alot :) and panic cured im on my ipod and diffucult to type haha sorry

01-06-2012, 05:29 AM
Hi Dudeman,
I have been going through the exact same thing!! It has been 2 weeks now and it seems to be just getting worse. I was diagnosed with GAD and the beginnning of depression. I also think that i might have OCD over this whole Schizophrenia obsession. I get so scared and anxious that i always have to come onto the computer and research symptoms of schizophrenia and then its like my mind actually tries to get me to think that im hearing voices or that people are after me...which i know is absolutly ridiculous!! I have anxiety 24/7 and i can never relax! I can go to sleep ok but then i wake up a couple of hours later in a total state of panic which is really starting to get annoying!! Another big thing that is bothering me is the constant random mind chatter which i get alot, and no its not voices im hearing its my own voice thinking about everything and also just random things which pop into my head at the moment and thats what usually starts my panic attacks, because i keep thinking that im going crazy and my thoughts will not stop. Sorry im ranting, but i just wanted you to know that you are not alone!!!

01-06-2012, 09:15 AM
I was wondering if anyone else has been through this, or am i really going schizophrenic?

01-06-2012, 09:40 AM
Dude, you are just anxious. First and last. Everything else is but another symptom of anxiety.
No worries on typing.:) It's alllll about helping here as best we can and we know many are a bit upset while posting etc.

01-06-2012, 04:09 PM
Okay thankyou :) and tucket hearing voices from the day like your mates talking mum calling your name while falling asleep is normal happens to everyone but because we are anxious during the whole day we tend to notice it more which just empowers it your not alone :)

01-08-2012, 03:55 AM
I think you will probably find the more you look for something the more you will find it. Even though you might not feel like you are looking for the sounds your subconscious will be hyper aware so any sound that you arent 100% sure where it came from you are stressing about. Trust me, if you had schizophrenia you wouldnt realise it, the voices would be talking to you and you would think it was completely normal.