View Full Version : Abused Children Are Not At Fault, But The Parents Certainly Are

01-04-2012, 05:48 PM
It's sad to see a lot of people with PTSD or some other anxiety disorder who think it's somehow their fault that their parents abused them when they were kids. They often speak of how when they were, say, six years old, and acted out of line and were physically and/or emotionally abused because of it. Yeah, like all six year olds are supposed to act absolutely perfect!

The fact is that good parents don't abuse their children. Those who do are bad parents. Yet some feel it's because of their "misbehavior" when they were kids that "caused" the abuse, even though every single child on Earth acts out of line sometimes (hey, they're just kids).

One reason many trauma victims blame themselves is because feeling powerless is such a terrible feeling. So they rationalize that what happened to them is somehow their fault. That way they'll think they had some control over what happened.

Still, it's so odd to me that many abused adult children think it's their fault. Yeah, like it's their fault that their parents were so messed-up and it's their fault that their parents chose to abuse their defenseless child?

My question is when is it ever going to be the abusive parents fault?