View Full Version : nursing

12-18-2011, 12:02 AM
i was wondering if anybody on this forum is a nurse or knows someone with anxiety who is a nurse? i am 20 years old and want to be a nurse but i am worried i will not be capable of doing the job due to anxiety. I really like helping people and feel like its what i am meant to be. TOnight made me really worried because i work as a nursing assistant and saw a lady a couple minutes after she died and listened for her heart and didnt feel it. I went home and cried and felt sooooo anxious. I still feel really anxious about the whole thing. I am scared now i cannot be a nurse if i cannot handle seeing someone dead?!?!

or is it something to get used to?!?!

12-18-2011, 01:49 PM
I spent 9 years training for a medical occupation. Practiced 3 years and found it too much to be around sick people all day long. I wanted to be where people were having fun so I went into resort management.= then the travel industry.

12-18-2011, 03:04 PM
I think you should keep at it. I think you can probably learn to cope. I bet many nurses/docs go through that. A couple of things. (1)Never dwell on the fact that you'll lose patients(easier said then done, yep), instead dwell on the fact that YOU give THEM all the care and relief that you CAN. They appreciate it. Since we all must go through that it's not the end that's important but the living, loving, caring and sharing that we do get OUT and put INTO life and people that matters. My Dad passed way last summer and I take warmth from the fact that my brothers told me the nurses that were at the VA really took care and truly cared for my Dad(I live far way from them all). They sort of hovered over him always looking at him and touching him making sure he was doing as best as possible. I know my Dad regarded them as his angels, helping/comforting him and that's because that's just WHO they were.
(2)Also consider that there are other areas of medicine that don't deal so much with clinical impatient care in which you'll often cross paths with death/dying patients. Have you thought about that? I know you must go through clinical rotations to get your RN so could you hold up with the intention of going into outpatient care like a Drs. office, outpatient clinic, company nurse, etc? Yes it is possible you might not be up to it. I can understand that. But if it's anxiety, the bully it is, you may be able to handle things you thought you could not if you give it a fighting try. I've learned anticipatory anxiety is always worse that the real anxiety of future events. Just my thoughts and wish/hope you carefully think it over and go from there. It can be tough. Message me any time. Alankay

12-18-2011, 06:37 PM
Im currently in my nursing program. It is difficult for me. Trying to focus and deal with anxiety also. Its a work in progress. I know deep down I will get better but it will take time. Helping people will always be my priority and nothing will stop me from achieving that goal. At least thats what I keep telling myself.