View Full Version : anxiey and panic advice on help.

12-16-2011, 09:52 PM
hi ive been suffering with bad anxiety, panic and depression for about 3yrs now ive been on a high intensity CBT therapy for a couple months now and previous to that i was just seeing a normal mental health worker. but a couple months ago i went back to my doctor because things were getting a lot worse and he put my tablets up and refered me to a psychiatrist and they got in touch with my mental health worker and put me on the high CBT course but no one told me untill i phoned them still thinking i was waiting for an appointment and the lady said that if things didnt get better or i felt i needed more help to ask my mental health worker to refer me there.
i feel like a need to see a psychiatrist because things are not getting better and i think the problems go a bit deeper and are really drilled in my head also they can put me on the best tablets for my symptoms as i dont think mine are helping really.
my question is can they say no if i ask to see one i just dont want to look stupid when asking but i no things are not getting better and i need more help. can they say no though?
any help and advice would be great

12-16-2011, 10:37 PM
I don't think so. Demand the help of a psychiatrist and go from there. Tell them you're not getting any results via their methods and now need to see a psychiatrist! Enough is enough!! That's my 2 cents.

12-17-2011, 10:16 AM
It seems reasonable to try a psychiatrist if you don't think your current treatment is working. For me the first time I had really bad anxiety and panic I found that approaching it in a few different ways helped. These are the tools I now still use when I have a flare up. I saw a therapist, learned to better express my emotions, and used medication or, now herbal rememedies. But, I think that the thing that helped me the most was mindfulness meditation. I read Jon Kabat-Zinn's book Full Catastrophe Living and got the associated guided meditation CDs. I did the meditations every day for eight weeks. It feels uncomfortable at first to meditate when you feel anxiety but eventually it will help calm your mind and system down. Just a suggestion. I hope you find something that works for you soon.