View Full Version : Is this normal anxiety?

12-16-2011, 08:09 AM
Hello. I was inexpressibly happy to find this site so I could get responses from others and make sure what I'm going through IS actually anxiety and not something else. It started the night before last at about 2:00 A.M.. I was feeling fine all day up until I tried to go to sleep. I noticed that it was abnormally difficult to control my breathing, and I began to experience shortness of breath. I got up, and I was very light-headed and slightly dizzy and in sort of a panic. I was freaking out so bad because I have never felt this way before that I actually checked into the hospital to make sure everything was okay. they wrote it off as anxiety and sent me on my way. I was also experiencing, and still somewhat am, gas buildup in my chest and stomach, which I believe may have ignited the anxiety. Still as of now, I cannot get to sleep due to the unsettling feeling I get when breathing, and if I do get to sleep, its very brief. I feel decent when I'm sitting up or walking around, though I'm fairly light headed and I sort of see tracers with the movement of my hands. Is this just some major anxiety effects?

12-16-2011, 09:30 AM
Hm...I have no idea to be honest. I didn't experience anxiety in the same way that you did, but that doesn't necessarily mean anything.

Unfortunately I am highly cynical and don't tend to trust doctors - they are so cynical, and if you approach them with less tangible symptoms (i.e. not a broken leg), they tend to think you are just making it up, in my opinion!

Does it happen a lot, or is it a one off? If you're going through it consistently I would start by visiting your GP.

12-16-2011, 04:47 PM
Well, I had been known to get minor anxiety attacks every once in a blue moon in the past, but since the night before last its been to a new level. Idk if its anxiety, but seeing the tracers freaks me out a bit and makes me think it may be an oxygen deficiency to the brain or something.