View Full Version : Whats the alternative?

12-14-2011, 03:33 PM
Hi guys

I'm looking to avoid meds if I can so just wondering what good alternatives there are. I'm particulary interested in natural supplements which people have tried with success.


12-14-2011, 04:22 PM
Well aerobic exercise, progressive relaxation, deep breathing exercises and limiting caffeine and alcohol will help. As far as herbal stuff goes I haven't had much success but know folks get some benefits from Valerian Root, Kava Kava, Passionflower and Skull Cap. Antihistamines are also useful as they have an anti-anxiety effect. "Sleepy Time" teas have helped me a bit(Celestial Seasonings, etc) as they have Chamomile in them. I've just sent away for a supplement called Min-Tran(mineral tranquilizer via Amazon.com) and will leave a review on it if I find it helpful/effective. Hops Extract also have been reported to help some folks.

12-14-2011, 06:26 PM
I agree with most of what Alan said. I posted a lot about supplements I took. Valerian can either help or make you feel worse. It made me feel worse, but some people it helps. You will have to take it and see. That is a weird herb in that sometimes it just doesn't work. Chamomile tea every day is awesome! Twice a day! Passionflower Extract. For calming the nerves, Magnesium Taurate or Magnesium Glycinate, GABA, L-Theanine. No B Vitamins, and no calcium until anxiety has resolved. Skull Cap and Hops are great. I like the product Theanine Serene. It contains a whole bunch of these together. Rhelora helps get rid of cortisol. No caffeine whatsoever, including no green tea. I liked chamomile tea, sometimes with mint, maybe lavender and lemon balm, and some raw honey in it. I still drink chamomile regularly before bed.

12-15-2011, 08:12 AM
Chamomille tea makes me feel really 'at one' with the world :)

12-15-2011, 11:33 AM
Well aerobic exercise, progressive relaxation, deep breathing exercises and limiting caffeine and alcohol will help. As far as herbal stuff goes I haven't had much success but know folks get some benefits from Valerian Root, Kava Kava, Passionflower and Skull Cap. Antihistamines are also useful as they have an anti-anxiety effect. "Sleepy Time" teas have helped me a bit(Celestial Seasonings, etc) as they have Chamomile in them. I've just sent away for a supplement called Min-Tran(mineral tranquilizer via Amazon.com) and will leave a review on it if I find it helpful/effective. Hops Extract also have been reported to help some folks.

Thanks. You mention "no B vits". I recently started taking B-50 complex as I read these vitamins are supposed to be very good for anxiety? I also take chelated magnessium 200mg.

I will pick up some chamonile tea this weekend.

12-15-2011, 11:43 AM
Also found this regarding chamomile tea - http://www.timeforwellness.org/blog-view/chamomile-relieves-anxiety-76

12-15-2011, 03:39 PM
in addition to camomile, i also use dr. bach's rescue- it's an all natural solution.

12-16-2011, 12:44 PM
Yeah I was also surprised to find out B Vitamins can trigger anxiety. They do get marketed as good for anxiety. I think they are really good for nourishing the nervous system, but if you have anxiety disorder, they may stimulate your nerves, triggering an attack. Calcium can do the same. Magnesium I would go minimum 400 mg a day, in a highly absorbable form such as Magnesium Taurate or Magnesium Glycinate. Magnesium Citrate os good unless it gives you diarrhea. Magnesium Oxide, which is most common, is not as absorbable so you will get less of it.

Dr. Bach's Rescue Remedy was very good for me in learning to grab for that and spray it in my mouth instead of reaching for Meds. I carried it with me everywhere I went and took it whenever I wanted throughout the day.

For a nice relaxing beverage, I like Chamomile, Mint, Lavender, Lemon Balm tea with raw honey added at the end.

12-18-2011, 05:48 AM
Has anyone tried liquid magnesium? I've just ordered a bottle of this stuff - http://www.salusuk.com/products/magnesium_liq.html

With regards B vits, are there any you feel can be isolated and taken seperately from the others or do all of them act as a stimulant on the nervious system?


12-18-2011, 07:54 AM
Yeah Camomile tea or St Johns wort. Supplement from health shops are good. xxx

12-19-2011, 04:10 AM
B Vitamins can trigger anxiety, but I know if you do take them, most are better taken in a complex form.

12-19-2011, 06:06 AM
B-vit's just made me a nervous wreck. They probably still do, I can tolerate caffeine, exercise, spices, just not B-vit's, they were just far too over stimulating for me, eve at low doses. I think if you incorporate brown rice, and more fresh fish into the diet, your B vitamin levels will be pretty much at the right level anyway. I wouldn't recommend them unless you have a known deficiency. They can however be useful to people with fatigue, on that end of the spectrum they can help a lot of people.

I found B-12 the worst. Vitamin B-3, Niacin, however was very useful to me, sort of had a real calming effect on me. Gave me really nice skin too :)

12-21-2011, 11:25 AM
What vits do you take then guys? I'm on magnesium, vitamin D3, fish oil, multi vit and priobiotic.

12-21-2011, 11:07 PM
I wonder if small doses of B vitamins are ok. When you take it in a complex of 50-100 mg each b vitamin, then that can trigger anxiety and be overstimulating, but what if it's in a multi vitamin where it's much less than that? Same with a mild amount of calcium?
I'm not sure of this answer. Calcium and Bs are stimulating. But in small amounts, I don't know.

But if you just want to overcome anxiety in the shortest amount of time, maybe it's best to avoid B and calcium in all supplements. It's up to you.

Definitely take at least 400 mg chelated magnesium. Have your arsenal of calming herbs such as chamomile,(tea or tincture) peppermint (can cause acid reflux in some people), passionflower extract, valerian (if it works for you, it doesn't work good for me) Rescue Remedy spray, GABA (not sure if it can be taken with Benzos because it works with the same receptors as Benzos) and maybe just go to iherb . com and search anxiety supplements. That's what I did. That's how I discovered Theanine Serene.

Always remember, your body is always trying to heal itself, this is called homeostasis. Herbs and Supplements help, but you are on the healing path no matter what you do if you ALLOW this to happen. Let your nerves, adrenals, and brain chemistry calm and rebalance itself, and use the supplements to help this.