View Full Version : vitamin d deficiency

12-11-2011, 07:56 PM
I was just diagnosed as having vitamin d deficiency. Has anyone else dealt with this and how does it effect anxiety and depression. I am now taking vit d 50000 ui panis attacks aren't as bad mood has lifted a bit but still there. Anyone have ANY ANSWERS I would appreciate it.

12-12-2011, 01:05 PM
I read something like 80% of people in the UK and America are deficient in D-vitamins. I'm guessing those lucky folk down under don't suffer as badly, being blessed with more sunshine :P, but nonetheless it's an issue that's affecting many people, without realizing. Getting out in the sunlight helps, it's not always possible though in winter, and with the working day being indoors for a lot of people. Being low in Vitamin D also means the body doesn't absorb calcium as efficiently, and calcium is known as the bodys relaxant.

By all means Vit. D deficiency can cause strong depression and anxiety in certain individuals. Seasonal depression is also very common now, and that has links to vitamin D deficiency too. It's lucky you managed to find something that can be easily rectified. As with all things, when anxiety is present, it can spread and create other issues, so you still may need to read a book on cognitive behavioural therapy, and seek relaxation in your life via any means you enjoy (and thats healthy!!). You'll soon see you've begun to cover the whole package. It may take a little time though for the body to rectify after going on fully alert mode, so be patient with it, and don't get discouraged if things dont instantly disappear.

All the best!

12-13-2011, 05:25 AM
Thank you both for replying and I am try not to be discourage although I a anxious to feel better. Thanks again