View Full Version : restless leg syndrome and buspar

12-10-2011, 05:09 PM
I have a question about buspar. I have been on it for two weeks. I have had mild restless leg syndrome, this week I have been having it in my right leg now after lunch until bed. It feels like my leg is trying to get numb and tense. I then shake it and it gets better. It is much worse after caffeine. I will wake up and the muscles are all sore in my leg the next morning. I also am finally starting to get over the headache. Should I have my doctor change meds or live with it? Anyone else have this problem?

12-10-2011, 06:40 PM
I had this really badly when I started mirtazapine. It drove me to fits of rage, punching the wall in the middle of the night, or slamming doors in frustration. Oddly, I found certain batches made it worse. Maybe it's the filler they use or something, but I found generic much worse for it. It was awful for a month and then it eased to every few days at nighttime which is something i kinda had to live with . RLS is a bitch cos theres no cure. Valium helps, but thats opening a whole can of worms worse than RLS. Wait it out for a short while, and then analyze it from there. It may go, but theres a good chance it may not. Taking other meds made it much worse such as asprin or benadryl, so I cut them out altogether. Caffeine made me bad, chocolate too, so I quit that. Hopefully it will ease up, but it may mean it's working on a part of your brain which affects rls, and you may need to find another route. I know drugs which aren't SSRI's can work on that affect that area of the brain in us unlucky folk. You could try doing muscle relaxation, some people find it helpful, a google search will tell you lots of ways to do it. Maybe someone who's taken buspar can offer more info specific to the drug.

12-10-2011, 09:33 PM
Thank you for your response! I will look at the relaxation techniques.