View Full Version : Can Anxiety Do This ???

12-09-2011, 04:31 PM
I am in bad spell and had the first day of SLIGHT relief in months and today I am worse than ever.

Nothing changed -no stress, nothing.

Does anxiety go up and down like this for no reason??

Thanks for responding

12-09-2011, 04:43 PM
Very much so. There are days and periods worse than others. Even for people not suffering anxiety, low periods, and de-motivated periods are pretty common, so for us sensitive folk, when our body is going through that not so good phase, we feel it far worse. I rarely suffer any anxiety now, but I'm still prone to the odd day here or there where anxiety is present, usually for no reason.

What stage of anxiety do you feel your in? During the early stages it's pretty common, it can even be a sign your body has slowed down momentarily to heal and rebalance it's chemicals, or is it a latter stage, where you have more experience and understanding?

12-09-2011, 05:28 PM
I had severe anxiety 20 years ago and then was good until 4 years ago and it is worse than ever. Had some medical misdoagnosis and was told it was not anxiety - I just was rediagnosed and told it is so now I have to start from scratch.

Yesterday was the first day with tiny releaf in many months - but I could feel that I had a chance. Today I am pacing all day and crazy...just want to die again

12-09-2011, 05:56 PM
It is normal to feel anxiety, even unexpectedly, from time to time. And I mean perfectly normal. Park of working with anxiety is accepting that it will pop up from time to time. This is OK.

12-09-2011, 06:36 PM
Mine is going from hell to total hell - is this normal to be slightly better then for no reason go down into the abyss teh next day

12-09-2011, 07:55 PM
Your not alone Razzle! We are all here for you! Mine peaks on some days, others I feel almost normal. So yes, anxiety does go up and down. I just started taking Paxil a few days ago so mine has been rather high the last few days. Has your doctor prescribed you anything?

12-09-2011, 08:58 PM
Yep up a bit, down a bit. I think there are things going on that you might not be aware of that your overall psyche responds to. For example, your favorite football team has a big game this weekend. You might think about it but that has a stimulatory effect and if your anxious, it will/may make you a bit more so. If you go to the country and go fishing and you just got some calming good news from your family, it might dip down. Yes one can say, as anxious people, were are over sensitive. Think about it. We're not undersensitive, that's for sure. Eat some Chinese food with glutamate(an antagonist neurotransmitter, versus an inhibitory, slowing agent) you'll feel more anxious. It all makes sense if you think about it. Cheers!!