View Full Version : I think I'm getting attached to my therapist! More problems...

12-09-2011, 01:21 PM
Ok well just when u think your over one problem something else comes along.

I've been having therapy for a good few months now for severe anxiety. Lovely lady who's been just great, and it is helping. Problem is now I feel very emotionally and psychological "attached" to her if that makes sense. She's like my comfort blanket and I genuinely look forward to our sessions. I'm now starting to panic as I know there coming to an end, I'm scared how I'll cope without her encouragement and support.

I've always got emotionally attached to people easily, guess I have more underlying issues than I realised. I've starting getting anxious thinking about how I'll be just waved goodbye to soon enough and that'll be it. It'll be like losing a friend. At least to me it will be.

Sounds so stupid but I hate the fact I'm just a "job" to her. Sometimes it's like no one cares because they actually care but only because their being paid to. Oh I don't know I'm all in a mess

Strange thing is I'm sure we"d have been friends had we met outside of this environment. God I hate all these issues.

Any advice?

12-09-2011, 01:27 PM
This is a normal response to therapy. This is a person who is showing you unconditional positive regard and is giving you advice. In addition, she probably genuinely cares about your well-being. It is perfectly natural for you to feel attached to her. Of course, as you know, it is best if your relationship with her stays professional.

There are two things you can do. First, communicate these thoughts to her. You can talk it through with her. It is always good to be open in therapy. Next, you can work with her to use the things you have learned in therapy to try to build similar relationships in your life outside of therapy. You can use your relationship with her as a guide to build new relationships.

Also, in response to your idea that no one cares unless they are paid to. I can say from personal experience that 99% of therapists out there do care. Does an artist stop caring about his artwork, because he is being paid to make it? People go into this line of work for a reason, being paid just allows people to devote their entire professional life to this work. Everyone has to pay the bills.