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12-05-2011, 12:49 PM
ok so here is my problem, i keep repeating my name in my head! like noises trigger it, its hard to explain and its really scaring me! im only 17 and i dont really have many people to talk to about it. Some days i feel fine and some days i feel bad but when my minds entertained im fine. I do mechanics at college so when im working on a car i have no problems and then i think to my self "oh hey look im feeling good" then boom! i start thinking about it, by the way when when this happens in my head its unexpected i think smoking weed triggerd this, it all started off when i had a panic attack then i started getting this weird feeling and now stuck thoughts so its kinda got worse over the year and im fed up of feeling like this i dont want to go insane!

12-05-2011, 03:01 PM
Someone please?

12-06-2011, 02:36 AM
have you thought about seeking professional help?

12-06-2011, 06:04 AM
No and I don't want to, sorry if I sound grumpy! I appreciate taking your time to reply! Thank you.

12-06-2011, 07:24 AM
dw bt it.. i also didn't want to speak to someone, but now sometimes it's the only thing that gets me thru the week. if you're looking for something to help you relax, i also chug camomile tea and take all natural drops- dr. bach;s rescue remedy. they help a bit for the most part. good luck

12-06-2011, 08:06 AM
Jason, sounds like anxiety to me. Pot can make you anxious, sure. It did me years ago. Jason, I did not WANT to go see a dr. either. No way. "Screw that" I thought. B.S.!, I thought. Then after suffering and trying alllll I could to end the fear, severe discomfort, hideous feelings I saw a good dr. BEST thing I ever did. If they have a full service clinic at college use it. You're NOT going insane. Your suffering anxiety(high distress) and all the feelings that can be brought up by it. I hope you believe me(you're NOT going crazy) and it's anxiety, then go see a GP or counselor. Message me any time.

12-06-2011, 10:48 AM
Thanks you so much you dont know how reassuring that is! I have a meeting with my tutor tomorrow so maybe I'll bring it up..tell her how I feel I'm sure it can't do no harm, what's the worst that can happen, and also this tea you talk about? Where can I get it? Do I need to get it from the chemist/doctors? Thanks!

12-07-2011, 01:38 AM
You can probably get it in any grocery store. I don't know where you can get Dr. Bach's Rescue Remedy- where I'm from they sell it in pharmacies, so I would start there. You don't need a prescription for it as it is a natural remedy. Best of luck!

12-07-2011, 01:57 PM
I don't think it's that unusual to be honest. I had something very similar where I would repeat movie lines over and over and over. Other guys on here have read pages of books over and over, and many other weird and wonderful obsessions have been present. Anxiety works on the same chemical's on the brain that OCD affect's, so when somebody is having an attack of anxiety, the brain can engage in many obsessions and compulsions that seem odd. It's just the symptoms of a pretty stressed and tired mind that needs to recouperate.

The feeling of going insane is soooo normal with anxiety, and this fear probably keeps the obsessions alive. Let it go, observe your mind and let it work itself out, be good to yourself, do what you can to (healthily) relax, Cham. tea is really good. Most of these things just resolve themselves when anxiety goes, so don't stress. Deal with the anxiety at hand. Don't underestimate it though. Be honest with yourself when you think external help will be beneficial. It's only you that suffers when all is said and done.

Be well dude...

12-07-2011, 02:08 PM
Jason, the grocery stores carry it and I think it's called Celestial Seasonings Sleepytime. Comes is flavors. etc.

12-12-2011, 02:29 PM
I don't think it's that unusual to be honest. I had something very similar where I would repeat movie lines over and over and over. Other guys on here have read pages of books over and over, and many other weird and wonderful obsessions have been present. Anxiety works on the same chemical's on the brain that OCD affect's, so when somebody is having an attack of anxiety, the brain can engage in many obsessions and compulsions that seem odd. It's just the symptoms of a pretty stressed and tired mind that needs to recouperate.

The feeling of going insane is soooo normal with anxiety, and this fear probably keeps the obsessions alive. Let it go, observe your mind and let it work itself out, be good to yourself, do what you can to (healthily) relax, Cham. tea is really good. Most of these things just resolve themselves when anxiety goes, so don't stress. Deal with the anxiety at hand. Don't underestimate it though. Be honest with yourself when you think external help will be beneficial. It's only you that suffers when all is said and done.

Be well dude...
Wow dude you don't know how much that helps
Me, I really appreciate that thank you very very much! I hope I'm not the only one feeling this! I keep feeling really depressed and I'm scared I'm not
Going to be able to cope! I keep
My self it's just anxiety! I've learnt if I just let the thought
Come and don't let them
Scare or bother me then they start to fade away but it's very hard to not let them
Bother me!