View Full Version : questions about lexapro. can it wear off?

12-02-2011, 05:56 PM
I'm relatively new to this anxiety thing. After my daughter was born a year and a half ago, I started having severe anxiety and panic attacks. I saw a psychiatrist who diagnosed me with adjustment disorder with anxiety and prescribed lexapro. I was on a 10 mg dose for several months, and then eventually weaned off with no problems.

I was fine until about 4 months ago when, due to some stressful life situations, I found myself having panic attacks again. My new doctor put me back on 10 mg of lexapro and I felt fine within two weeks. I've been taking the meds ever since and feel great.

Now, fast forward to a few days ago. I've had a nasty flu and (sorry tmi) my monthly cycle came the same day I was puking my guts out. Yesterday was my first day back at work. I felt ok, a little weak from the flu, but nothing else. In the afternoon I started to feel anxious and by the evening I was having a full-fledged panic attack.

I don't know what the heck is going on. Usually when I have panic attacks they're *about* something. I am seriously not anxious or stressed about anything.

My dad (who suffers from anxiety as well) thinks it's because I've been sick and my body is weak. I'm terrified that the medicine is wearing off or it's not working anymore.

What should I do? Should I give it some time and see if my body just needs to rest? Or should I call my doctor? The only way I've gotten over these panic attacks before is with medicine, and now that I'm already ON medicine I feel like I have no coping mechanism. I didn't know I could get panic attacks while I am taking lexapro, it's never happened before.

Help, please. Any advice would be appreciated.

12-02-2011, 09:38 PM
It's unlikely that the lexapro would simply "wear off", but it is possible that the meds need adjusted. Are you in any type of counsleing? If not, I would explore counseling in addition to taking the medication (often psychiatrists do more medication management then counseling/therapy). From my own experience I have found that the medication does not always "hold you up" when things get shuffled around a little, if that makes sense. The flu may have rattled you a bit, but I suspect you will bounce back again in a few days. In all seriousness, though, finding a good counselor could really change things for you. There are a lot of options out there and there are methods that you can use to work through your anxiety. With the right counseling you may find that you don't even need the meds anymore, but that is obviously for you to determine. Good Luck!

12-03-2011, 06:56 AM
I'm not currently in any type of counseling. I know I probably should be, but money is an issue. I'll have to see how much my insurance will cover.

The only other way I cope with the panic/anxiety right now is to try to look at it objectively instead of fearing the panic attack. I close my eyes and think about the physical sensations I'm feeling, but to observe them instead of "feeling" them. Then I tell myself that it's ok, and this feeling will pass and eventually, it does. The part I have the hardest time dealing with is the constant knot of anxiety in my chest. It makes it hard to breathe and the anxiety never seems goes away.

I'm feeling a little bit better today (still anxious, but I'm having more moments of clarity), so I hope it's a sign that as my body heals from the illness, that my anxiety will subside as well.

12-03-2011, 03:47 PM
Homebird, I think the flu may have contributed but perhaps you need to up the dose at least for a while of the lexapro. I think you can have an anxiety/panic attack while on the med but it likely would be worse and/or more frequent without it. I was on 10mg(lexapro) but my doc advised going to 20mg when I was having some anxiety and it helped. If you can't see a counselor check out Reid Wilson's book "Don't Panic" You can get it on ebay or amazon.com. Very good book and not awfully long and boring.

12-04-2011, 07:29 PM
Were you on 20 mg of lexapro permanently or was it just a temporary thing? And did you experience the same side effects when you upped the dose that you did when you started the meds? I ask because when I start taking lexapro I have some pretty crappy side effects like increased anxiety, irritation, insomnia and night sweats.

I'm terrified that I'm never going to be able to function without the meds. I'm calling a counseling center tomorrow, btw. I'm hoping to find a good counselor or therapist that can help me learn to deal with this.