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12-02-2011, 05:18 PM
ok so this is the first ever time i've posted on a website like this, ive been going thorugh these feelings by my self for other a year im a 17 year old male and all i want is just some advice! im too too scared to go to the doctors and i dont know how to tell my parents! i believe im suffering from anxiety but i need someone to help me to understand! I have stuck thoughts in my head ( like i keep repeating my name in my head) i have stuck images in my head when i try sleep and i have this weird feeling like i dont know just really strange like my heart races when im in a place full off people? i dont know what to do with my self! by the way when i drink i forgot all my problems and i feel normal! some days i feel great and some days i feel really depressed! i dont know what to do anymore i wish someone could just exsplain to me that i wasnt the only one feeling like this so i could get on with my life! by the way this all happend when i use to smoke weed ( i used to smoke alot of it!) and one day i started worrying about the effect it could have on me, and then that night i got in the shower and i got what i think was a panic attack and after that ive never felt the same

12-02-2011, 05:45 PM
you are definitely not the only one who does feel like this, i can have three good days, then 3 terrible ones ! i never know what is in store for me.
Heart tracing sounds like anxiety especially in a crowded place too.
Honestly , dont be too scared to go to the doctor and tell him about it, i sure wish i had of done that before i let everything get worse and worse. A psychologist can help loads and especially seen as you are getting right on top of this when it has started, you can make progress and learn tools to cope with things.

Honestly, go to the doctor and see what they think. They see people like this a million times, so there is nothing to be embarrassed about at all.

Do you have any family that you talk about it with too?

Best Luck xx

12-03-2011, 04:29 AM
Thank you so much for replying. I've told
My friend about how I feel now and then but I don't think he fully understands what's actually going on with me he just agrees! And I can't really tell my parents, I wouldn't know how to? They would be so confused and would start asking questions about if I'd taking drugs and stuff..I think I'm going to wait and see what happens, perhaps the Best idea would be to go to the doctor :/ also I'm worried I'm going to lose my mind when I'm feeling really bad, is this a problem people have who also suffer with anxiety? Once again thank you!

12-03-2011, 04:36 AM

Read some of my threads like at the top of this page in the stickies. I too had similar issues as you. I used to have major panic attacks in the shower, where I can remember even stopping half way through. Days would go by where I wouldn't shower for fear of it. I had to have a friend in the room next tot he bathroom waiting for me, with the bathroom door open, for me to shower. I also was very scared in public. My advice is to stop weed and alcohol COMPLETELY until you recover from this. Alcohol may make you feel better short term, but the effect it has on your nervous system and adrenals the next day, can make things much worse. Don't be embarrassed or ashamed. This is not some crazy deep dark secret. You had anxiety. Nothing wrong with telling people or letting others know.

Read this:


12-03-2011, 04:41 PM
Thank you! i will make sure i read them now!