View Full Version : Will this ever be cured

12-01-2011, 12:06 AM
my anxiety started when i got a gastrointestinal problem that the G.I doctor is still investigating I heavily nauseated most days and need maxalon just to function i sometimes get pains on my shoulders primarily my left. I sometimes get intrusive thoughts and its even gotten to the point where i have even planned my own suicide if i don't get better which leaves me thinking will i ever get better as i seem to be unlucky enough to get attacked by 2 problems i just want to know if there are people out there like me or even worse then me.

i sometimes vomit but not often sometimes diarrhea and i tend to forget things alot and i also find that activities like video gaming, playing with the ball outside with my bro and swimming that used to mmake me happy i have lost total interest in as im consumed by this problem.

im matthew a 5'5-5,6 male and weigh about 59-61 kgs just in case this mattered:)

12-01-2011, 12:07 AM
Oh and im 16 aswell

12-01-2011, 03:15 AM
thanks kev for your comment but the anxiety didnt start till my stomach problem started which was a year and a half ago and the anxiety only started about 5-6 months ago so i don't think that anxiety is all of it as i have always had stomach problems even as a small child. I will check out your linked websites as they sound like they might help alot as you describe.


12-01-2011, 05:28 AM
Hi again kev I agree google was probably my worst mistake without a doubt i have had blood tests done but came back pretty good except for a raised bilirubin count don't know where that points to anything or not but hopefully i cn get through this heliish nightmare they call anxiety:)

12-01-2011, 03:28 PM
You don't have a disease. Just go out and live your life and forget about it all.

12-01-2011, 03:29 PM
Whatever the high bilirubin count means, take care of it and move on.