View Full Version : where to go from here

11-30-2011, 12:41 AM
OK so I'm accepting there's nothing physically wrong with me. but how do i over come what i did to myself that first day i panicked over something that was impossible (Rabies) . I've came so far I've had no panic attacks in 2 months and being as I've only been going through this for 4 thats good. I've also over the last few nights been able to sleep without medication YAY. i still have the numbness in my head however and sore wrist and my right eye twitches all the time and i do feel trapped in my own head a lot . it really is impossible for me to see a therapist especially since I've all ready racked up 20000 dollars in medical bills and have no health insurance! so any advice on how i can overcome these physical and emotional symptoms will be greatly appreciated thank you.

11-30-2011, 06:07 AM
All those pesky anxiety symptoms can really keep your mind occupied.

Try the best you can to Ignore them. When they come on just say to yourself "There goes that anxiety again".

Help with me !
