View Full Version : anyone else with these symptoms?

11-23-2011, 07:38 PM
hi i was just wondering if anyone can relate to my symptoms...bc i know people with anxiety but they all have diff symptoms and i feel really alone. i think itd help me if someone knew what i was going thru

okay my bad anxiety all started 4 years ago (im 23) I lived in a diff state for college and went a whole year with a few bumps and problems but nothing id never dealt with. i went back for the second year and BOOM anxiety central. So, one really weird symptom that NOBODY relates to is that I will feel so hungry. And crave SPECIFIC foods. like i remember wanted waffles and bacon at midnight but i had to wait until 7 when the cafeteria opened (i didnt have a car either) i was up all night with this weird, annoying and debilitating energy. i ran to the cafe right at 7 and gulfed down my waffles and had like 2 servings or more. I finally fell asleep when i got back to my dorm. Thus, a cycle of bad insomnia, horrific anxiety with chest tightness began and one way to ease the anxiety was to eat. and okay, im a thin girl, well im average 5' 7" 140 lbs and i swear to god i will eat like 6000 calories in on day sometimes. and not gain a pound. its so freaking weird and annoying and ugh. (i have gained 10 pounds since hs but considering the amounts i eat, which is prbly 2 weeks every month that i eat a lot, that is not significant weight gain at all in 4 years) some of you might think "...youre annoyed that you arent gaining weight from stuffing your face? stfu" but no its really hard bc i never graduated college and i dont have much money and its like i HAVE to go out to get the food i want, (sometimes i even crave fruit smoothies or a spinach salad so thats even more confusing) i once spent an hour driving around to diff drive thrus. so pathetic. the only people i relate to our pregnant women. SO i saw this holistic doctor who took blood samples and she found out my progesterone hormone was really really low. i now take progesterone supplements - 75 mg to 200 mg depending on time of month. it completely made my isnomnia go away but the food cravings are still here.

i also take Prozac and it has done wonders. However, I am a creative person and sometimes i feel like it stunts that. So three months ago i came off prozac (tapered off) no withdrawals, started feeling that chain break on my emotions and i began being way more creative. then, randomly, one day i picked my then bf up at the airport and it hit me. the tight chest, the fear of going crazy, the need to go eat, the need to hide in my bed and drink alcohol. i was so miserable yet again and scared and cried a few times each day and called into work. i began taking Prozac again and that pretty much all went way. Obviously the Prozac really, really helpa me. (i hate when people tell me drugs are bad, bc this changed my life)

so anyone relate???? its so frustrating.

11-26-2011, 09:00 PM
i can absolutely relate to the food craving thing!!!! i have it really bad! once a food pops up in my head i absolute lust it and need it or else i will have anxiety until i do!!! i am in love with food! I spend sooo much money on it! Take for example, i was craving chicken teriaki from the mall so i went all the way to the mall walked in and got the chicken and left!!! (who does that?) then later on i absolutely had to get a chick-filet milkshake!!!! ITs bad its like a drug to me! :(