View Full Version : little advice please

11-21-2011, 05:09 PM
hey all

iv been suffering from anxiety for just under a year now
i have made loads of progress but i feel like iv been stuck for the last few months, and dont feel like i have made much progress over them

im no where near as bad as i was when it all began and id say im around 85-90% recovered but i just cant finish that last little bit of recovery off

i feel like my anxiety as put all of my emotions out of sync so like whatever emotion i get i put it down to feeling anxious, e.g if im sad over my girlfriend going home after the weekend, it makes me anxious not sad, as if iv forgot what feeling sad feels like

also guilt is another one that i still experience alot of, but where the guilt would be i feel anxious instead again if iv forgot what guilt feels like

any advice please

11-21-2011, 07:48 PM
Huge congratulations on being able to quell your anxiety down to 15% or 10%. That's an amazing stride in and of itself.

Ask yourself whether you have feelings of insecurity. That's when anxiety can be at its worst-- people feel insecure about not being with their girlfriend, or insecure that they're doing something wrong (the guilt that you're talking about). If you think there's insecurity in your life, look into ways for gaining confidence and accepting yourself. Remember, doing something like that is a LONG process. You won't feel confident and accepting of yourself overnight. You have to build those qualities in yourself in very small steps over a very long period of time. I would suggest googling it :D

Also, if you ever need to talk to someone, feel free to PM me. I'm trying to reach out to people and don't mind conversing one-on-one about any life problems.

11-21-2011, 07:55 PM
Have you got on a stable workout program yet? How about lifting 3 times a week, and yoga 2 times a week?

11-22-2011, 05:27 PM
im not too sure what you mean by insecure, but lets just say i have a lot of problems in my life, but dosnt everyone
thanks for the offer to pm you, that would be helpful and also you can pm me aswel if you want to know anything

no before all my anxiety started i was a fit active person, i breakdanced for 5/6 years and skated often, but since the start of my anxiety i have staopped all exersice except i take walks regulary
