View Full Version : First Aid for Anxiety / Panic attacks?

11-20-2011, 02:58 PM
Hi All,

This is my first visit to this forum. I'm in my early thirties, pursuing a graduate degree in Business. I suffered from mild Panic attacks my entire life. About two years ago, when I was about to make a major life change, these attacks got much worse. They were so bad that I did not even figure out initially that it was anxiety- to be honest, I thought I was either going insane or that I had a brain tumor.

I have since gotten much better, and rarely have panic attacks now, but I remained interested in the subject, and decided to address it in one of my class projects.

This class is about designing a new product in the medical field. My idea is for a first aid kit for people who suffer from panic attacks- a kit that you can take with you when you everywhere and provide some assurance and comfort when the panic starts. It would be a packet containing some items that help a person survive, and even reverse the attack.

I thought about including items such as:
- Earplugs
- A small mp3 player with earphones where you can pre-record a message that helps you cope with the attack
- Aromatherapy oils
- Games to distract you
- A place to store any medication if you are prescribed any
- Something to check your pulse (I used to check my pulse all the time to make sure
my heart was still working...)
- A small flashlight
- B12 spray

So.. Do people here think that such a kit would be helpful?
What would you put in a panic first aid kit if you needed to design one for yourself? How big would it be?

Any feedback will be appreciated.



11-20-2011, 11:24 PM
Hello danny its great your anxiety is better! i definately think that is a good idea but you would have to include a water bottle and a brown lunch bag just in case you have to hyperventilate! :) good luck with the project!

11-20-2011, 11:39 PM
Hey Danny,

Not a bad idea at all. I think since so many people have such different symptoms and ways of coping that maybe you could include something like a little diary o journal for people to write in; whether it's something that helps them cope that they can read over, or even just giving them something to do to occupy themselves. Occasionally writing down my thoughts (as positively as I can) helps me a lot. ESPECIALLY when I'm on a plane.