View Full Version : Anxiety while driving- Fear of losing control

11-12-2011, 09:32 PM
Hello all, I joined the forum in search of answers for an issue I've had over the past few months. I was once a confident driver, but now I cannot get in the car without anxiety -My symptoms range from nervousness to headaches.

I spend a lot of time worrying about driving, which I know is irrational. I do have moments of confidence, but they are rare. I commute to work, and I put a ton of thought into my driving and other drivers. It really sucks, because I'm a good driver, but I'm overwhelmed with nervousness. And the physiological symptoms make it a lot worse. I twitch a lot in my neck and sometimes get a headache. This scares me even more, because I fear I'll lose control.

I get most fearful on crowded highways with fast moving traffic and negotiating curves when other cars are flying past me. Night driving makes it worse. I'm usually over the speed limit too.

Please respond if you can help me with this issue. I want to be able to drive anywhere, without giving it a second thought. As of now, I don't want to drive anywhere I don't have to.

PS... I was once a confident driver, and know the feeling of freedom there is in a car, but can no longer experience it due to my driving anxiety. This is the most frustrating part for me.

11-18-2011, 01:35 PM
I hear ya. I live in the mountains and had constant visions of driving off the road which kept me out of the car. SSRI's helped me to the point where I now drive just for the hell of it, and long drives, which I found almost impossible, are no problem now. I don't mean to sing the praises of SSRI's, but there is help out there and you will get over this.

Oh, yeah. Where I live I have to drive 45 miles one way to buy underwear and sock, so you can imagine how ratty things were getting before I got help. Thank god for the Internet.

11-25-2011, 12:16 PM
The fear is irrational. SSRIs, or other forms of medication may help –*I'm not one of the people who will say never take them, because for some (including me) they've made the difference.

But in getting over a fear, you need baby steps. Sit in your car. Just sit. Sit and read. Sit and talk on the phone. Be comfortable there. Then maybe turn it on and relax. Listen to the radio.

Try backing out of the driveway, and driving back in. Slowly you can work your way up to a point where you're confident again.

But also know your limitations – a busy highway isn't a good idea if you're truly not ready for it.

11-26-2011, 11:51 AM
Hi Alma,
I was once a confident driver too, until 6 months after passing my test I had a collision with a car-transporter (that sounds dramatic, but I was unharmed). Now I am terrified to go near the car, both as a driver and a passenger. I'm 21 years old and still need my parents to drive me to and from work, I feel like a fool. I suffer from panic attacks and general underlying thoughts of anxiety and one of my BIG worries is having a panic attack behind the wheel, so like you I have fear of losing control.
The other day (after 2 years of not driving) I tried to face my fear and drive alone.. and at night. I drove around the village I live in for about 15 minutes and I was elated by my achievement of having done it! Although I am now building the courage to face national speed limit roads again, and soon in time - I hope to be able to drive myself to and from work like every other adult.. I wanted to write to you to say that I admire the strength you must have to continue to drive when you have this phobia. You say that you are frustrated that you are no longer confident in your car, but you are confident enough to get in the car and that speaks volumes. I hope your confidence builds back up again and that you learn to control your fear.
Charlotte x