View Full Version : Stressed and anxious

11-09-2011, 08:09 AM

I’ve suffered with anxiety since the age of 8. In the last few years I’ve definitely felt more in control of things, almost felt like I was getting better. However in the last 6 months or so I’ve realised that although I have been getting better in some ways, in others I’ve just been avoiding the problems.

Anyway, what brings me here today, over the last month or so I’ve been feeling pretty rubbish. I’ve had some problems with my ears and balance which has made it difficult for me to do a lot of things. And in the last week or so things have definitely gotten worse, I’m still feeling unwell and as a result my anxiety seems to have heightened.
I’ve always relied on the support of my parents but just recently I’ve come to the realisation that I can’t do that forever. So at the moment I’m struggling along on my own. I don’t think this method is helping much either and it’s definitely making things seem more difficult to deal with.
I do have a therapist but I haven’t been able to see him for the last 2 months due to my university timetable, but I am due to resume my sessions next Tuesday so I’m hoping that will help me start getting things sorted out properly.

What I’m looking for right now is for other people who understand and maybe some advice.


11-09-2011, 08:56 PM
You story sounds very familiar to mine.

Personally I think you are much stronger that you think you are. In fact I think you should congratulate yourself for everything you have achieved so far. I'm sure your parents are very proud of their daughter.

One thing to remember when anxiety creeps up is to ask yourself what might someone else feel in your situation. You have ear problems at the moment and I'm sure they are making you feel pretty terrible. Now anyone in your situation I think would feel the same way as no one like to feel dizzy, the only difference is they are not struggling with the feeling. You can do the same. Just tell yourself "I notice my dizziness is making me feel anxious" and move your thoughts to a more helpful one. You are not trying to get rid of the dizziness, you are not trying to like it, you are just not paying it any attention. A good example of this might be getting stuck in a traffic jam. One person might get angry, frustrated and think how terrible it is whilst in the car next door the driver is thinking oh well, now I can listen to my favourite music and is quite happy. The difference is how each of the drivers thinks about the situation. Can they change the fact they are in a traffic jam, no, do they have to like it, no, but they can alter how the think about it.

I am sure you will be fine. Good luck with your studies and your next appointment with your therapist.