View Full Version : Always sleepy

11-04-2011, 05:56 PM

I've been taking Paxil (Peroxitine) for my anxiety for years now, and I'm not sure if it's the medication or just me, but I'm always sleepy. I've been drinking coffee for this, but caffeine is really bad for anxiety problems. I know exercise would probably help me a lot, but with being so sleepy, it's hard for me to get up in the morning. (My girlfriend literally has to either drag me out of bed or squirt me with a water gun.)

I want to know if there's anything I can take that would both wake me up, and not cause anxiety problems.

Any ideas?

11-17-2011, 12:30 PM
First, I'm not a doctor, but I've been on enough meds to offer an opinion. Since everyone reacts differently to different meds it could be the meds but it could be something else. Maybe you need to change meds. I've heard Paxil is popular for anxiety because it does make you sleepy. Are you taking any other meds that could be making you sleepy? How's your thyroid? Maybe you just like your girlfriend squirting you. :-) Are you getting enough sleep?

I'm on Lexapro and a benzo and drink coffee for a little pick me up. Yeah, if I wasn't on the meds the coffee would put me over the top, but sometimes a little balances things out for me. I don't think coffee can hurt you, but if you take too much you'll know it pretty quick.

I've also noticed that when I get really involved in project I'm enjoying I stop being tired, so as you were saying, maybe it's just me.