View Full Version : need a lilttle advice please

10-31-2011, 03:17 AM
hey guys

iv suffered from anxiety for just under a year now
but i must say i have made really good progress
i generally only have 2 things that effect me now, and they are:

-feeling anxious when i wake up from a late afternoon/evening nap
-and feeling anxious when my girlfriend goes home after spending the weekend with her

okay ever since i started suffering from anxiety, whenever i would wake up from a sleep, i would feel really anxious, specially from late afternoon/evening naps. i occasionally till get it in the mornings (mainly monday mornings) but i still get it with the late day naps :S

okay my anxiety started by my girlfriend returning home after spending a whole week with her, now i will see her everyday and she will stay over fridays and saturdays, meaning i see her for the whole weekend, when sunday evening comes my anxiety comes on (which is why i get anxious on monday mornings) because she is going home. still to this day i dont understand this cus we have had the weekends together ever since my anxiety started so i thought i would be use to it by now, plus i see her on the following monday. so yeah totally confuses me.

if anyone has any advice for me then it would be much appreciated

10-31-2011, 08:09 PM
I dont really have much advice, but i also get very very anxious if i have an afternoon nap, and even if i dont my anxiety goes through the roof at 4pm every day like clockwork ! The only thing i try is distraction techniques and getting a cold ice pack and just laying down for a little bit longer with the icepack on my forehead and teling myself its just anxiety. Hope you keep going forward, you have done so well to have all the other parts under control, and that is a huge accomplishment!

11-01-2011, 08:20 AM
i remember when i was exactly like that, 4pm and bang my anxiety would shoot up, i could tell when it was 4pm everyday without looking at the clock because of my anxiety, but i got over that. i use to go for a walk after my sleep to help decrease the anxiety but as it dark nights now, i cant really do that.
oh yeah im really pleased in my recovery, but i think my downfall still lies with a slight fear of the anxiety, i will be fine for a week or 2 but then my anxiety will increase a lil and i stress over it rather than just saying its anxiety and it will go. but i think with a bit more practice i may not notice the anxiety increasing a little

hope your doing well

11-01-2011, 11:29 PM
thats great to know you used to hve the 4pm thing too ! i am currently trying to put on a dvd or something so i have no idea what time it is so i dont start making myself panic at 4pm. I think too, the more that times goes on in yiur recoveyr, the more infrequent the flare ups will be, keep on going :-) x

11-02-2011, 04:10 PM
You may find it interesting that from 3-5 PM according to traditional Chinese Medical Meridian clock, is the Bladder time. What that means for you I am not sure. But if you went to an acupuncturist and told them at 4PM like clockwork is your anxiety time, and that acupuncture had the knowledge and skills needed, he would probably treat the bladder meridian in some way.

What I do know is in Chinese Medicine Bladder is paired with Kidney. Kidney is 5-7PM. Do you have to adjust for daylight savings time?
Kidney is the organ that governs fear and is the root of all the other organs. A strong kidney has strong will and will be rooted. Will the positive aspect of Kidney and Fear being it's negative aspect.

If you don't agree don't get mad at me. I am just spitting out traditional Chinese medical theory.

11-03-2011, 10:29 AM
I was told by my psychiatrist not to take naps at all, maybe that is a factor