View Full Version : 1st Panic Attack?

10-29-2011, 08:13 PM
Hello everyone...first off let me thank you for taking the time to read my post. Makes me feel like I'm not alone out here. So this afternoon I think I experienced my first ever panic attack, but thought I would run this by everyone.

As lame as it sounds, my panic attack happened right after my favorite college team lost today. I was just too worked up at home. I got up off the couch after the game and all the sudden I was short of breath, hard to breathe and had a hard time swallowing (just something I noticed). My wife wasn't sure what to do so I walked outside for fresh air and started taking deep breaths. I have had an issue here and there with anxiety and have an Ativan perscription to take as needed, but have never needed to until today. So I take .5mg of Ativan right after I came back into the house. It's been about 4 hours since it happend and right now I just still feel like I'm short of breath or having to take deep breaths.

So basically I'm just looking for reassurance or something.

Symptoms I had at onest of panic attack:

shortness of breath
difficulty breathing
difficulty swallowing

Just curious if I'm on the right track with if it was a panic attack or not.

Thank you!

10-29-2011, 10:45 PM
Sorry that you had to go through that. It can sometimes seem silly in hindsight, but it is all very real while it is happening. It certainly sounds like what you had was an anxiety attack. Sometimes these things come out of nowhere and there is no real explaination. I think it is good that you recognize your experience, especially being your first episode ever. I ran straight to the ER when i had my first attack certain I was dying. The Ativan ought to help calm you. Sometimes the whole experience can have you reeling for a bit before you really feel better. Good luck!

12-06-2011, 05:34 PM
It certainly sounds like a panic attack, but since this is your first and you are still feeling short of breath after ativan I would recommend that you go to a doctor just to make sure that there are no physical symptoms, if there are not any and you are OK then you know what you have and that is the first step to getting better! Good luck.

12-06-2011, 05:39 PM
Sounded like it(anxiety). Why was ativan prescribed for you earlier?